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Showing words for STINK using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Stink
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Definitions for Stink
[1] to emit a strong offensive smell.
[2] to be offensive to honesty or propriety; to be in extremely bad repute or disfavor.
[3] Informal . to be disgustingly inferior: That book stinks.
[4] Slang . to have a large quantity of something (usually followed by of or with ): They stink of money. She stinks with jewelry.
[5] to cause to stink or be otherwise offensive (often followed by up ): an amateurish performance that really stank up the stage.
[6] a strong offensive smell; stench.
[7] Informal . an unpleasant fuss; scandal: There was a big stink about his accepting a bribe.
[8] stinks, (used with a singular verb ) British Slang . chemistry as a course of study.
[9] stink out , to repel or drive out by means of a highly offensive smell.
[10] a strong foul smell; stench
[11] slang a great deal of trouble (esp in the phrase to make or raise a stink )
[12] like stink intensely; furiously
[13] to emit a foul smell
[14] slang to be thoroughly bad or abhorrent this town stinks
[15] informal to have a very bad reputation his name stinks
[16] to be of poor quality
[17] (foll by of or with ) slang to have or appear to have an excessive amount (of money)
[18] (tr usually foll by up ) informal to cause to stink
Words related to Stink
stench, smell, foulness, fetor, malodor, offend, reek, funk
Words nearby Stink
stinging tree, stingless bee, stingo, stingray, stingy, stink, stink ball, stink bomb, stink bug, stink out, stink stone
Origin of Stink
before 900; (v.) Middle English stinken, Old English stincan; (noun) Middle English, derivative of the v.; cognate with German stinken. (v.); cf. stench
Other words from Stink
out·stink , verb (used with object), out·stank or, often, out·stunk; out·stunk; out·stink·ing.
Word origin for Stink
Old English stincan; related to Old Saxon stinkan, German stinken, Old Norse stökkva to burst; see stench
Synonyms for Stink
stench, fetor, foulness, malodor, noisomeness, foul odor, offensive smell