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Showing words for STIRRED using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Stirred

disterr, stirred, strider

6 Letter Words for Stirred

derris, direst, disert, dister, driers, driest, reirds, restir, riders, sirred, sterid, stired, stirre, stride, tirred, triers

5 Letter Words for Stirred

deist, derri, diets, direr, dirts, distr, diter, dites, drest, drier, dries, edits, idest, irred, iters, reird, reist, resid, resit, restr, rider, rides, riser, rites, sider, sired, sited, steid, steri, stied, stire, strid, terrs, tides, tiers, tired, tirer, tires, tirrs, tride, tried, trier, tries

4 Letter Words for Stirred

deis, desi, deti, dier, dies, diet, dire, dirt, dist, dite, dits, drie, dsri, edit, eris, errs, erst, ides, ired, ires, ised, iter, reds, reit, rest, retd, rets, ride, rids, rier, ries, rise, rist, rite, rits, seir, seit, serr, sert, side, sier, sire, site, sted, ster, stid, stie, stir, stre, teds, terr, tide, tids, tied, tier, ties, tire, tirr, tres, trid, trie

3 Letter Words for Stirred

dei, der, des, det, die, dir, dis, dit, dsr, eds, eir, erd, err, ers, ert, esd, esr, est, ide, ids, ire, irs, ise, ist, itd, its, red, rei, res, rid, rie, rit, rte, rti, sed, sei, ser, set, sie, sir, sit, sri, std, str, tdr, ted, ter, tes, tid, tie, tis, tri, trs, tsi

Definitions for Stirred

[1] to move one's hand or an implement continuously or repeatedly through (a liquid or other substance) in order to cool, mix, agitate, dissolve, etc., any or all of the component parts: to stir one's coffee with a spoon.
[2] to set in tremulous, fluttering, or irregular motion: A soft breeze stirred the leaves.
[3] to affect strongly; excite: to stir pity; to stir one's heart.
[4] to incite, instigate, or prompt (usually followed by up ): to stir up a people to rebellion.
[5] to move briskly; bestir: to stir oneself.
[6] to move, especially in a slight way: He would not stir a finger to help them.
[7] to rouse from inactivity, quiet, contentment, indifference, etc. (usually followed by up ): to stir up his potential.
[8] to bring up for notice or discussion.
[9] to disturb; trouble.
[10] to move, especially slightly or lightly: Not a leaf stirred.
[11] to move around, especially briskly; be active: Everyone in the house was stirring.
[12] to become active, as from some rousing or quickening impulse.
[13] to be emotionally moved or strongly affected.
[14] to be in circulation, current, or afoot: Is there any news stirring?
[15] the act of stirring or moving.
[16] the sound made by stirring or moving slightly.
[17] a state or occasion of general excitement; commotion: The news created a stir.
[18] a mental impulse, sensation, or feeling: a stir of hope.
[19] a jog, poke, or thrust: He gave the refuse a stir with his foot.
[20] movement, especially brisk and busy movement: There was too much clamor and stir for her.
[21] to move an implement such as a spoon around in (a liquid) so as to mix up the constituents she stirred the porridge
[22] to change or cause to change position; disturb or be disturbed he stirred in his sleep
[23] (intr often foll by from ) to venture or depart (from one's usual or preferred place) he won't stir from the fireside
[24] (intr) to be active after a rest; be up and about
[25] (tr) to excite or stimulate, esp emotionally
[26] to move (oneself) briskly or vigorously; exert (oneself)
[27] (tr) to rouse or awaken to stir someone from sleep ; to stir memories
[28] informal (when tr, foll by up ) to cause or incite others to cause (trouble, arguments, etc)
[29] stir one's stumps informal to move or become active
[30] the act or an instance of stirring or the state of being stirred
[31] a strong reaction, esp of excitement his publication caused a stir
[32] a slight movement
[33] NZ informal a noisy party
[34] a slang word for prison in stir

Words related to Stirred

stirdisturb, whisk, beat, mix, shake, blend, whip, rouse, arouse, inspire, energize, inflame, trigger, galvanize, affect, kindle, touch, prompt, spark, provoke

Words nearby Stirred

stirstippling, stipulate, stipulation, stipule, stipuliform, stir, stir up, stir up a hornets' nest, stir-crazy, stir-fried, stir-fry

Origin of Stirred

1before 900; Middle English stiren (v.), Old English styrian; cognate with German stören; akin to Old Norse styrr disturbance; see storm

Other words from Stirred

stir·ra·ble , adjective
stir·less , adjective
stir·less·ly , adverb
un·stir·ra·ble , adjective
un·stirred , adjective
well-stirred , adjective

Word origin for Stirred

C19: perhaps from Romany stariben prison

Synonyms for Stirred

beat, blend, disturb, mix, shake, whip, whisk, flutter, move, quiver, rustle, toss, tremble, move about