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Showing words for STOMA using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Stoma
4 Letter Words for Stoma
3 Letter Words for Stoma
Definitions for Stoma
[1] Also stomate. Botany . any of various small apertures, especially one of the minute orifices or slits in the epidermis of leaves, stems, etc., through which gases are exchanged.
[2] Zoology . a mouth or ingestive opening, especially when in the form of a small or simple aperture.
[3] Medicine/Medical . an artificial opening between two hollow organs or between one hollow organ and the outside of the body, constructed to permit the passage of body fluids or waste products.
[4] botany an epidermal pore, present in large numbers in plant leaves, that controls the passage of gases into and out of a plant
[5] zoology anatomy a mouth or mouthlike part
[6] surgery an artificial opening made in a tubular organ, esp the colon or ileum See colostomy, ileostomy
Words related to Stoma
orifice, opening, vesicle, outlet, foramen, halo
Words nearby Stoma
stolon, stolonate, stoloniferous, stolonization, stolypin, stoma, stomach, stomach pump, stomach stapling, stomach sweetbread, stomach tooth
Origin of Stoma
1675–85; < New Latin < Greek stóma mouth
Other words from Stoma
sto·mal , adjective
sto′ mal adj.
Word origin for Stoma
C17: via New Latin from Greek: mouth