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Showing words for STRANGER using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Stranger
7 Letter Words for Stranger
6 Letter Words for Stranger
5 Letter Words for Stranger
4 Letter Words for Stranger
3 Letter Words for Stranger
Definitions for Stranger
[1] a person with whom one has had no personal acquaintance: He is a perfect stranger to me.
[2] a newcomer in a place or locality: a stranger in town.
[3] an outsider: They want no strangers in on the club meetings.
[4] a person who is unacquainted with or unaccustomed to something (usually followed by to ): He is no stranger to poverty.
[5] a person who is not a member of the family, group, community, or the like, as a visitor or guest: Our town shows hospitality to strangers.
[6] Law . one not privy or party to an act, proceeding, etc.
[7] unusual, extraordinary, or curious; odd; queer: a strange remark to make.
[8] estranged, alienated, etc., as a result of being out of one's natural environment: I felt strange as I walked through the crowded marketplace.
[9] situated, belonging, or coming from outside of one's own locality; foreign: to move to a strange place; strange religions.
[10] outside of one's previous experience; hitherto unknown; unfamiliar: strange faces; strange customs.
[11] unaccustomed to or inexperienced in; unacquainted (usually followed by to ): I'm strange to this part of the job.
[12] distant or reserved; shy.
[13] in a strange manner.
[14] (French L'Étranger ), a novel (1942) by Albert Camus.
[15] any person whom one does not know
[16] a person who is new to a particular locality, from another region, town, etc
[17] a guest or visitor
[18] (foll by to) a person who is unfamiliar (with) or new (to) something he is no stranger to computers
[19] law a person who is neither party nor privy to a transaction
[20] odd, unusual, or extraordinary in appearance, effect, manner, etc; peculiar
[21] not known, seen, or experienced before; unfamiliar a strange land
[22] not easily explained a strange phenomenon
[23] (usually foll by to) inexperienced (in) or unaccustomed (to) strange to a task
[24] not of one's own kind, locality, etc; alien; foreign
[25] shy; distant; reserved
[26] strange to say it is unusual or surprising that
[27] physics denoting a particular flavour of quark denoting or relating to a hypothetical form of matter composed of such quarks strange matter ; a strange star
[28] not standard in a strange manner
Words related to Stranger
outsider, visitor, foreigner, immigrant, alien, newcomer, intruder, guest, wanderer, outlander, unknown, migrant, transient, interloper, drifter, squatter, incomer, out-of-stater
Words nearby Stranger
strange particle, strange quark, strange star, strange to say, strangeness, stranger, stranger rape, stranger's gallery, stranger, the, strangle, stranglehold
Origin of Stranger
1250–1300; Middle English < Old French estrange < Latin extrāneus; see extraneous
Other words from Stranger
stran·ger·like , adjective
strange·ly , adverb
un·strange , adjective
un·strange·ly , adverb
un·strange·ness , noun
Word origin for Stranger
C13: from Old French estrange, from Latin extrāneus foreign; see extraneous
Synonyms for Stranger
alien, foreigner, guest, immigrant, intruder, newcomer, outsider, visitor, drifter, interloper, migrant, outlander, squatter, transient, unknown, wanderer, foreign body, incomer, itinerant person, migratory worker, new arrival, out-of-stater, outcomer, party crasher, perfect stranger, uninvited person, unknown person