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Showing words for STRIA using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Stria
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Definitions for Stria
[1] a slight or narrow furrow, ridge, stripe, or streak, especially one of a number in parallel arrangement: striae of muscle fiber.
[2] Mineralogy . any of a series of parallel lines or tiny grooves on the surface of a crystal, indicative of the mode of growth.
[3] Architecture . a flute on the shaft of a column.
[4] Also called: striation geology any of the parallel scratches or grooves on the surface of a rock caused by abrasion resulting from the passage of a glacier, motion on a fault surface, etc
[5] fine ridges and grooves on the surface of a crystal caused by irregular growth
[6] biology anatomy a narrow band of colour or a ridge, groove, or similar linear mark, usually occurring in a parallel series
[7] architect a narrow channel, such as a flute on the shaft of a column
Words nearby Stria
streusel, streuselkuchen, strew, strewment, strewth, stria, striae atrophicae, striae gravidarum, striate, striate body, striate vein
Origin of Stria
1555–65; < Latin: furrow, channel
Word origin for Stria
C16: from Latin: a groove