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Showing words for STRIA using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Stria

airts, arist, astir, raits, sitar, stair, stria, tarsi, tiars, tisar, trias

4 Letter Words for Stria

airs, airt, aits, aris, arts, astr, atis, itas, rais, rait, rast, rats, rias, rist, rita, rits, sair, sari, sart, sati, sita, star, stir, stra, tais, tari, tars, tiar, tsia

3 Letter Words for Stria

air, ais, ait, ars, art, ast, ira, irs, ist, ita, its, rai, ras, rat, ria, rit, rti, sai, sar, sat, sir, sit, sri, sta, str, tai, tar, tas, tis, tra, tri, trs, tsi

Definitions for Stria

[1] a slight or narrow furrow, ridge, stripe, or streak, especially one of a number in parallel arrangement: striae of muscle fiber.
[2] Mineralogy . any of a series of parallel lines or tiny grooves on the surface of a crystal, indicative of the mode of growth.
[3] Architecture . a flute on the shaft of a column.
[4] Also called: striation geology any of the parallel scratches or grooves on the surface of a rock caused by abrasion resulting from the passage of a glacier, motion on a fault surface, etc
[5] fine ridges and grooves on the surface of a crystal caused by irregular growth
[6] biology anatomy a narrow band of colour or a ridge, groove, or similar linear mark, usually occurring in a parallel series
[7] architect a narrow channel, such as a flute on the shaft of a column

Words nearby Stria

streusel, streuselkuchen, strew, strewment, strewth, stria, striae atrophicae, striae gravidarum, striate, striate body, striate vein

Origin of Stria

1555–65; < Latin: furrow, channel

Word origin for Stria

C16: from Latin: a groove