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Showing words for STRIFE using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Strife
5 Letter Words for Strife
4 Letter Words for Strife
3 Letter Words for Strife
Definitions for Strife
[1] vigorous or bitter conflict, discord, or antagonism: to be at strife.
[2] a quarrel, struggle, or clash: armed strife.
[3] competition or rivalry: the strife of the marketplace.
[4] Archaic . strenuous effort.
[5] angry or violent struggle; conflict
[6] rivalry or contention, esp of a bitter kind
[7] Australian and NZ trouble or discord of any kind to get into strife
[8] archaic striving
Words related to Strife
squabble, warfare, clash, discord, disunity, disagreement, fighting, dissension, quarrel, wrangle, friction, animosity, controversy, rivalry, conflict, dispute, wrangling, bickering, contention, combat
Words nearby Strife
stride piano, strident, stridor, stridulate, stridulous, strife, strigiform, strigil, strigose, strijdom, strikable
Origin of Strife
1175–1225; Middle English strif < Old French estrif, akin to estriver to strive
Other words from Strife
strife·ful , adjective
strife·less , adjective
un·der·strife , noun
Word origin for Strife
C13: from Old French estrif, probably from estriver to strive
Synonyms for Strife
animosity, bickering, clash, conflict, controversy, disagreement, discord, dispute, dissension, disunity, fighting, friction, quarrel, rivalry, squabble, warfare, wrangle, wrangling, affray, altercation, argument, blowup, brawl, combat, competition, contention, contest, difference, dissent, dissidence, emulation, faction, fuss, hassle, spat, static, striving, variance, words, factionalism, squabbling, tug of war