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Showing words for STRINGED using the English dictionary
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4 Letter Words for Stringed
3 Letter Words for Stringed
Definitions for Stringed
[1] fitted with strings (often used in combination): a five-stringed banjo.
[2] produced or sounded by strings: stringed melodies.
[3] a slender cord or thick thread used for binding or tying; line.
[4] something resembling a cord or thread.
[5] Also called cosmic string . Physics . a mathematical entity used to represent elementary particles, as gravitons, quarks, or leptons, in terms of a small but finite stringlike object existing in the four dimensions of spacetime and in additional, hypothetical, spacelike dimensions. The theory of such objects (string theory) avoids the many mathematical difficulties that arise from treating particles as points.
[6] a narrow strip of flexible material, as cloth or leather, for tying parts together: the strings of a bonnet.
[7] a necklace consisting of a number of beads, pearls, or the like threaded or strung on a cord; strand: She wore a double string of pearls.
[8] any series of things arranged or connected in a line or following closely one after another: a string of islands; a string of questions.
[9] a series of railroad cars coupled together but not constituting an entire train.
[10] Journalism . a compilation of clippings of a stringer's published writings, submitted in request of payment according to an agreed space rate.
[11] a group of animals, especially saddle horses, owned or used by one person: a string of polo ponies.
[12] (in a musical instrument) a tightly stretched cord or wire that produces a tone when caused to vibrate, as by plucking, striking, or friction of a bow.
[13] strings, stringed instruments, especially those played with a bow. players on such instruments in an orchestra or band.
[14] a bowstring.
[15] a cord or fiber in a plant.
[16] the tough piece uniting the two parts of a pod: the strings of beans.
[17] Architecture . a stringcourse. Also called stringer. one of the sloping sides of a stair, supporting the treads and risers.
[18] Computers , Linguistics . a linear sequence of symbols, words, characters, or bits that is treated as a unit.
[19] Billiards , Pool . a stroke made by each player from the head of the table to the opposite cushion and back, to determine, by means of the resultant positions of the cue balls, who shall open the game. Also called string line. a line from behind which the cue ball is placed after being out of play.
[20] a complement of contestants or players grouped as a squad in accordance with their skill: He made the second string on the football team.
[21] Usually strings . conditions or limitations on a proposal: a generous offer with no strings attached.
[22] Obsolete . a ligament, nerve, or the like in an animal body.
[23] to furnish with or as with a string or strings: to string a bonnet; to string a bow.
[24] to extend or stretch (a cord, thread, etc.) from one point to another.
[25] to thread on or as on a string: to string beads.
[26] to connect in or as in a line; arrange in a series or succession: She knows how to string words together.
[27] Music . to adjust the string of (a bow) or tighten the strings of (a musical instrument) to the required pitch. to equip (a bow or instrument) with new strings.
[28] to provide or adorn with something suspended or slung: a room strung with festoons.
[29] to deprive of a string or strings; strip the strings from: to string beans.
[30] to make tense, as the sinews, nerves, mind, etc.
[31] to kill by hanging (usually followed by up ).
[32] Slang . to fool or hoax.
[33] to form into or move in a string or series: The ideas string together coherently.
[34] to form into a string or strings, as a glutinous substance does when pulled: Good taffy doesn't break—it strings.
[35] string along , Informal . to be in agreement; follow with confidence: He found he couldn't string along with all their modern notions. to keep (a person) waiting or in a state of uncertainty. to deceive; cheat; trick.
[36] string out , to extend; stretch out: The parade strung out for miles. to prolong: The promised three days strung out to six weeks.
[37] (of musical instruments) having or provided with strings
[38] a thin length of cord, twine, fibre, or similar material used for tying, hanging, binding, etc
[39] a group of objects threaded on a single strand a string of beads
[40] a series or succession of things, events, acts, utterances, etc a string of oaths
[41] a number, chain, or group of similar things, animals, etc, owned by or associated with one person or body a string of girlfriends
[42] a tough fibre or cord in a plant the string of an orange ; the string of a bean
[43] music a tightly stretched wire, cord, etc, found on stringed instruments, such as the violin, guitar, and piano
[44] short for bowstring
[45] architect short for string course, stringer (def. 1)
[46] maths linguistics a sequence of symbols or words
[47] linguistics a linear sequence, such as a sentence as it is spoken
[48] physics a one-dimensional entity postulated to be a fundamental component of matter in some theories of particle physics See also cosmic string
[49] billiards another word for lag 1 (def. 6)
[50] a group of characters that can be treated as a unit by a computer program
[51] (plural) complications or conditions (esp in the phrase no strings attached )
[52] (modifier) composed of stringlike strands woven in a large mesh a string bag ; string vest
[53] keep on a string to have control or a hold over (a person), esp emotionally
[54] pull strings informal to exert personal influence, esp secretly or unofficially
[55] pull the strings to have real or ultimate control of something
[56] second string a person or thing regarded as a secondary source of strength
[57] the strings (plural) violins, violas, cellos, and double basses collectively the section of a symphony orchestra constituted by such instruments
[58] (tr) to provide with a string or strings
[59] (tr) to suspend or stretch from one point to another
[60] (tr) to thread on a string
[61] (tr) to form or extend in a line or series
[62] (foll by out) to space or spread out at intervals
[63] (tr usually foll by up ) informal to kill (a person) by hanging
[64] (tr) to remove the stringy parts from (vegetables, esp beans)
[65] (intr) (esp of viscous liquids) to become stringy or ropey
[66] (tr often foll by up ) to cause to be tense or nervous
[67] billiards another word for lag 1 (def. 3)
Words related to Stringed
screw, tighten, weld, affix, adhere, nail, attach, bolt, solder, glue, truss, join, string, chain, couple, connect, integrate, wedge, set, lace
Words nearby Stringed
string together, string up, string variable, stringboard, stringcourse, stringed, stringed instrument, stringency, stringendo, stringent, stringer
Origin of Stringed
before 900; (noun) Middle English string, streng, Old English streng; cognate with Dutch streng, German Strang; akin to Latin stringere to bind; (v.) late Middle English stringen to string a bow, derivative of the noun
Other words from Stringed
string·less , adjective
string·like , adjective
re·string , verb, re·strung, re·string·ing.
Word origin for Stringed
Old English streng; related to Old High German strang, Old Norse strengr; see strong
Synonyms for Stringed
accommodate, adapt, adjust, attune, conform, coordinate, dial, fix, harmonize, integrate, modulate, pitch, proportion, reconcile, regulate, set, string, tighten