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Showing words for STRUM using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Strum
4 Letter Words for Strum
3 Letter Words for Strum
Definitions for Strum
[1] to play on (a stringed musical instrument) by running the fingers lightly across the strings.
[2] to produce (notes, a melody, etc.) by such playing: to strum a tune.
[3] to play on a stringed musical instrument by running the fingers lightly across the strings.
[4] the act of strumming.
[5] the sound produced by strumming.
[6] a strainer, as at the inlet of a system of tubing.
[7] to sound (the strings of a guitar, banjo, etc) with a downward or upward sweep of the thumb or of a plectrum
[8] to play (chords, a tune, etc) in this way
Words related to Strum
Words nearby Strum
structureless, strudel, struggle, struggle bus, struggle for existence, strum, struma, struma lymphomatosa, struma ovarii, strumectomy, strumiform
Origin of Strum
2origin uncertain
Other words from Strum
strumĀ·mer , noun
Word origin for Strum
C18: probably of imitative origin; see thrum 1