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Showing words for STUDIOUS using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Studious


7 Letter Words for Studious


6 Letter Words for Studious

odists, studio

5 Letter Words for Studious

doits, dosis, douts, duits, dusio, dusts, odist, ousts, situs, souts, studs, suids, suist, suits, tissu, todus

4 Letter Words for Studious

dist, dits, doit, doss, dost, dots, dout, dsos, duit, duos, dust, isos, iuds, iuus, otis, otus, ouds, oust, outs, sids, sist, sits, situ, sods, sots, soud, sous, sout, stid, stod, stud, suds, suid, suit, susi, susu, tids, tods, toss, tuis, udos, utis

3 Letter Words for Studious

dis, dit, dos, dot, dso, dui, duo, ido, ids, ios, iou, iso, ist, itd, its, iud, ods, ois, osi, oud, oui, ous, out, sds, sis, sit, sod, sot, sou, ssu, std, sud, sui, sus, tid, tis, tiu, tod, toi, tos, tou, tsi, tss, tui, udo, uds, uit, ust, usu, uti, uts, utu

Definitions for Studious

[1] disposed or given to diligent study: a studious boy.
[2] concerned with, characterized by, or pertaining to study: studious tastes.
[3] zealous, assiduous, or painstaking: studious care.
[4] carefully planned or maintained; studied: a studious program to maintain peace.
[5] devoted to or favorable for study.
[6] given to study
[7] of a serious, thoughtful, and hard-working character
[8] showing deliberation, care, or precision

Words related to Studious

industrious, diligent, bookish, earnest, thoughtful, contemplative, reflective, academic, assiduous, bookworm, busy, careful, eager, intellectual, learned, lettered, meditative, sedulous, serious, well-informed

Words nearby Studious

studio, studio apartment, studio couch, studio flat, studio glass, studious, studly, studwork, study, study group, study hall

Origin of Studious

1350–1400; Middle English < Latin studiōsus, equivalent to studi(um ) (see study) + -ōsus -ous

Other words from Studious

stu·di·ous·ly , adverb
stu·di·ous·ness , noun
non·stu·di·ous , adjective
non·stu·di·ous·ly , adverb
non·stu·di·ous·ness , noun
o·ver·stu·di·ous , adjective
o·ver·stu·di·ous·ly , adverb
o·ver·stu·di·ous·ness , noun
pre·stu·di·ous , adjective
pre·stu·di·ous·ly , adverb
pre·stu·di·ous·ness , noun
pseu·do·stu·di·ous , adjective
pseu·do·stu·di·ous·ly , adverb
qua·si-stu·di·ous , adjective
qua·si-stu·di·ous·ly , adverb
un·stu·di·ous , adjective
un·stu·di·ous·ly , adverb
un·stu·di·ous·ness , noun

Word origin for Studious

C14: from Latin studiōsus devoted to, from studium assiduity

Synonyms for Studious

bookish, contemplative, diligent, earnest, industrious, reflective, thoughtful, academic, assiduous, bookworm, busy, careful, eager, grubbing, hard-working, intellectual, learned, lettered, meditative, sedulous, serious, well-informed, well-read