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Showing words for STUFFED using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Stuffed
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3 Letter Words for Stuffed
Definitions for Stuffed
[1] the material of which anything is made: a hard, crystalline stuff.
[2] material to be worked upon or to be used in making something: wood, steel, and other stuff for building.
[3] material of some unspecified kind: a cushion filled with some soft stuff.
[4] Chiefly British . woven material or fabric, especially wool.
[5] property, as personal belongings or equipment; things.
[6] something to be swallowed, as food, drink, or medicine.
[7] inward character, qualities, or capabilities: to have good stuff in one.
[8] Informal . action or talk of a particular kind: kid stuff; Cut out the rough stuff.
[9] worthless things or matter: to clean the stuff out of a closet.
[10] worthless or foolish ideas, talk, or writing: a lot of stuff and nonsense.
[11] Sports . Baseball . the assortment of pitches that a pitcher uses in a game together with the ability to deliver them in the proper manner at the right speed to the desired spot: He saved his best stuff for the tougher hitters in the lineup. spin or speed imparted to a ball, as by a baseball pitcher, a bowler, or a tennis player: a pitch with plenty of stuff.
[12] Informal . journalistic, literary, artistic, dramatic, musical, or other compositions or performances: Bach composed some splendid stuff.
[13] Informal . one's trade, skill, field, facts, etc.: She knows her stuff.
[14] Slang . any kind of drug, especially an illicit one.
[15] Also called stock. Papermaking . refined and beaten wet pulp ready for spreading on the wire.
[16] to fill (a receptacle), especially by packing the contents closely together; cram full.
[17] to fill (an aperture, cavity, etc.) by forcing something into it.
[18] to fill or line with some kind of material as a padding or packing.
[19] to fill or cram (oneself, one's stomach, etc.) with food.
[20] to fill (meat, vegetables, etc.) with seasoned bread crumbs or other savory matter.
[21] to fill the preserved skin of (a dead animal) with material, retaining its natural form and appearance for display.
[22] to put fraudulent votes into (a ballot box).
[23] to thrust or cram (something) into a receptacle, cavity, or the like.
[24] to pack tightly in a confined place; crowd together.
[25] to crowd (a vehicle, room, etc.) with persons.
[26] to clutter or fill (the mind) with facts, details, etc.
[27] (in leather manufacturing) to treat (a skin, hide, etc.) with a composition of tallow and other ingredients.
[28] to stop up or plug; block or choke (usually followed by up ).
[29] to cram oneself with food; eat gluttonously; gorge.
[30] filled with something, esp (of poultry and other food) filled with stuffing
[31] (foll by up) (of the nasal passages) blocked with mucus
[32] get stuffed! British slang an exclamation of contemptuous anger or annoyance, esp against another person
[33] to pack or fill completely; cram
[34] (intr) to eat large quantities
[35] to force, shove, or squeeze to stuff money into a pocket
[36] to fill (food such as poultry or tomatoes) with a stuffing
[37] to fill (an animal's skin) with material so as to restore the shape of the live animal
[38] slang to have sexual intercourse with (a woman)
[39] tanning to treat (an animal skin or hide) with grease
[40] US and Canadian to fill (a ballot box) with a large number of fraudulent votes
[41] (in marine transport) to pack (a container) See also stuffing and stripping
[42] slang to ruin, frustrate, or defeat
[43] the raw material or fabric of something
[44] woollen cloth or fabric
[45] any general or unspecified substance or accumulation of objects
[46] stupid or worthless actions, speech, ideas, etc
[47] subject matter, skill, etc he knows his stuff
[48] a slang word for money
[49] slang a drug, esp cannabis
[50] British slang a girl or woman considered sexually (esp in the phrase bit of stuff )
[51] do one's stuff informal to do what is expected of one
[52] that's the stuff that is what is needed
Words related to Stuffed
stuffloaded, jammed, filled, packed, full, saturated, crowded, satisfied, overflowing, gorged, glutted, tight, jam-packed
Words nearby Stuffed
stuffstudly, studwork, study, study group, study hall, stuff, stuff and nonsense, stuff gown, stuff it, stuff one's face, stuff shot
Origin of Stuffed
1300–50; (v.) late Middle English stuffen to equip, furnish < Old French estoffer literally, to stuff < Frankish *stopfōn, *stoppōn (see stop); (noun) Middle English < Old French estoffe, derivative of the v.
Other words from Stuffed
stuff·less , adjective
re·stuff , verb (used with object)
un·der·stuff , verb (used with object)
un·stuff , verb (used with object)
un·stuffed , adjective
well-stuffed , adjective
Word origin for Stuffed
C14: from Old French estoffe, from estoffer to furnish, provide, of Germanic origin; related to Middle High German stopfen to cram full
Synonyms for Stuffed
filled, jammed, loaded, packed, bursting, crowded, full, glutted, gorged, overflowing, satisfied, saturated, jam-packed, packed like sardines, running over, tight