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Showing words for STY using the English dictionary
3 Letter Words for Sty
Definitions for Sty
[1] a pen or enclosure for swine; pigpen.
[2] any filthy place or abode.
[3] a place of bestial debauchery.
[4] to keep or lodge in or as if in a sty.
[5] to live in or as if in a sty.
[6] a circumscribed abscess caused by bacterial infection of the glands on the edge of the eyelid; hordeolum.
[7] a pen in which pigs are housed and fed
[8] any filthy or corrupt place
[9] to enclose or be enclosed in a sty
Words related to Sty
pen, pigpen, hole, pigsty, dump, shack, den, hovel, hordeolum
Words nearby Sty
stuttgart disease, stutz, stuyvesant, stuyvesant, peter, stv, sty, stye, stygian, styl-, stylar, stylate
Origin of Sty
21610–20; by false division of Middle English styanye sty (styan (Old English stīgend sty, literally, rising) + ye eye), taken to be sty on eye
Word origin for Sty
Old English stig; related to Old Norse stīa pen, fold, Old High German stīga, Middle Dutch stije