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Showing words for SUBJECTIVE using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Subjective


8 Letter Words for Subjective

bejesuit, jebusite

7 Letter Words for Subjective

becivet, justice, sective, subject, vesbite

6 Letter Words for Subjective

besuit, betise, bevies, bevues, bisect, bustee, bustic, cestui, civets, cubist, cubits, cueist, cuties, cuvees, cuvies, ejects, estive, evicts, evites, jesuit, jueces, juices, juvite, stieve, subjee, vectis, victus

5 Letter Words for Subjective

becut, beest, beets, beice, beset, besit, betes, betis, bevue, bices, bites, btise, buist, busti, butes, butic, cebus, ceste, cesti, cetes, cetus, citee, cites, cives, civet, cubes, cubit, cubti, cuits, cusie, cutes, cutie, cutis, cuvee, eject, etuis, etuve, eucti, evets, evict, evite, ictus, jetes, jibes, jives, jubes, juice, juise, jutes, juves, juvie, scute, sieve, steve, stive, stube, subet, sueve, suite, sujee, teise, tices, tubes, utees, vetus, vibes, vices, vicus

4 Letter Words for Subjective

bees, beet, best, bete, bets, bice, bist, bite, bits, bust, bute, buts, cebu, cees, cest, cete, ceti, cist, cite, cits, cive, civs, cube, cubi, cubs, cues, cuit, cust, cute, cuts, cuve, ecus, etic, etui, eves, evet, ices, jees, jest, jete, jets, jibe, jibs, jive, jube, just, jute, juts, juve, scet, scut, sebe, sect, seit, seve, sice, site, situ, stib, stie, stub, stue, subj, suci, suet, suit, suji, svce, tees, teju, tice, tics, ties, tube, tubs, tues, tuis, usee, utes, utis, uvic, vees, vese, vest, vets, vibe, vibs, vice, vies, vise, vite

3 Letter Words for Subjective

bec, bee, bes, bet, bis, bit, btu, bus, but, bvt, cee, cie, cis, cit, civ, csi, cst, cte, cts, cub, cue, cuj, cut, ebs, ecb, ect, ecu, eec, esc, ese, est, esu, etc, eve, ice, ise, ist, its, ive, jct, jee, jet, jeu, jib, jus, jut, juv, sbe, sci, sct, sec, see, sei, set, sib, sic, sie, sit, sub, sue, sui, svc, tbs, tec, tee, tes, tib, tic, tie, tis, tiu, tji, tsi, tub, tue, tui, ubc, ubi, uit, uji, use, ust, utc, ute, uti, uts, vee, vei, vet, vic, vie, vis

Definitions for Subjective

[1] existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought (opposed to objective).
[2] pertaining to or characteristic of an individual; personal; individual: a subjective evaluation.
[3] placing excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes, opinions, etc.; unduly egocentric.
[4] Philosophy . relating to or of the nature of an object as it is known in the mind as distinct from a thing in itself.
[5] relating to properties or specific conditions of the mind as distinguished from general or universal experience.
[6] pertaining to the subject or substance in which attributes inhere; essential.
[7] Grammar . pertaining to or constituting the subject of a sentence. (in English and certain other languages) noting a case specialized for that use, as He in He hit the ball. similar to such a case in meaning. Compare nominative.
[8] Obsolete . characteristic of a political subject; submissive.
[9] belonging to, proceeding from, or relating to the mind of the thinking subject and not the nature of the object being considered
[10] of, relating to, or emanating from a person's emotions, prejudices, etc subjective views
[11] relating to the inherent nature of a person or thing; essential
[12] existing only as perceived and not as a thing in itself
[13] med (of a symptom, condition, etc) experienced only by the patient and incapable of being recognized or studied by anyone else
[14] grammar denoting a case of nouns and pronouns, esp in languages having only two cases, that identifies the subject of a finite verb and (in formal use in English) is selected for predicate complements, as in It is I See also nominative (def. 1)
[15] grammar the subjective case a subjective word or speech element

Words related to Subjective

biased, intuitive, personal, abstract, illusory, instinctive, idiosyncratic, fanciful, individual, introspective, introverted, prejudiced, nonobjective, nonrepresentative, unobjective

Words nearby Subjective

subject matter, subject to, be, subject-raising, subjectify, subjection, subjective, subjective complement, subjective idealism, subjective intension, subjective sensation, subjective spirit

Origin of Subjective

1400–50; late Middle English: pertaining to a subject of a ruler < Latin subjectīvus; see subject, -ive

Other words from Subjective

sub·jec·tive·ly , adverb
sub·jec·tive·ness , noun
non·sub·jec·tive , adjective
non·sub·jec·tive·ly , adverb
non·sub·jec·tive·ness , noun
qua·si-sub·jec·tive , adjective
qua·si-sub·jec·tive·ly , adverb
un·sub·jec·tive , adjective
un·sub·jec·tive·ly , adverb

Synonyms for Subjective

abstract, biased, idiosyncratic, illusory, instinctive, intuitive, personal, fanciful, individual, introspective, introverted, nonobjective, nonrepresentative, prejudiced, unobjective