11 Letter Words for Subjunctive
9 Letter Words for Subjunctive
unjustice, unsubject
8 Letter Words for Subjunctive
junctive, subjunct, subtunic
7 Letter Words for Subjunctive
bunjies, cubitus, cuisten, incubus, injects, juncite, justice, neustic, sejunct, subject, subnect, subunit, subvein, subvent, tubicen
6 Letter Words for Subjunctive
besuit, bisect, bunces, bunjes, bunjie, busine, bustic, butein, butine, cestui, civets, cubist, cubits, cueist, cuneus, cuties, cutins, cuvies, encist, evicts, incest, incube, incuse, incute, inject, injust, insect, intube, intuse, invect, invest, jesuit, juices, juncus, justen, juvent, juvite, nicest, scient, subnet, tenuis, tunics, uncite, uncute, unites, unjust, unsuit, unties, unvest, vectis, venust, victus
5 Letter Words for Subjunctive
becut, benic, benis, bents, besin, besit, betis, bices, biens, bines, bints, bites, biune, btise, buist, bunce, bunje, bunts, busti, butes, butic, butin, butsu, cebus, ceint, centi, cents, centu, cesti, cetin, cetus, cines, cites, cives, civet, csnet, cubes, cubit, cubti, cuits, cunei, cunit, cunts, cusie, cutes, cutie, cutin, cutis, entsi, etuis, eucti, evict, ibsen, ictus, incus, incut, inset, insue, intsv, intue, inust, jibes, jives, jubes, jubus, juice, juise, jutes, juves, juvie, neist, nevis, nevus, scent, scute, senit, senti, sient, since, snite, stein, stine, stive, stube, subet, suent, suine, suint, suite, tices, tiens, tines, tsine, tubes, tunes, tunic, tunis, unbet, unbit, unces, uncus, uncut, unice, unist, unite, units, unius, unset, untie, unuse, usent, usine, usnic, veins, vents, venus, vetus, vibes, vices, vicus, vines, vinet, vints, visne
4 Letter Words for Subjunctive
bein, beni, benj, bens, bent, best, bets, bice, bien, bine, bins, bint, bist, bite, bits, buns, bunt, bust, bute, buts, cebu, cens, cent, cest, ceti, cine, cist, cite, cits, cive, civs, cube, cubi, cubs, cues, cuit, cunt, cust, cute, cuts, cuve, ecus, etic, etui, ices, inbe, inst, invt, isnt, iuus, jctn, jest, jets, jibe, jibs, jins, jive, jube, junc, june, junt, just, jute, juts, juve, nebs, nest, neti, nets, neut, nevi, nibs, nice, nies, nist, nits, nsec, nubs, nuts, scet, scun, scut, sect, seit, sent, sice, sien, sine, site, situ, sneb, snib, snit, snub, sten, stib, stie, stub, stue, stun, subj, suci, suet, suit, suji, sune, suni, sunt, svce, teju, tens, tice, tics, tien, ties, tinc, tine, tins, tsun, tube, tubs, tues, tuis, tune, tuns, tunu, unbe, unce, unci, uncs, unct, unie, unis, unit, univ, utes, utis, uvic, vein, vent, vest, vets, vibe, vibs, vice, vies, vine, vins, vint, vise, vite
3 Letter Words for Subjunctive
bec, ben, bes, bet, bin, bis, bit, bns, btu, bun, bus, but, bvt, cen, cie, cis, cit, civ, cns, csi, cst, cte, ctn, cts, cub, cue, cuj, cun, cut, ebn, ebs, ecb, ect, ecu, enc, ens, env, esc, est, esu, etc, ice, inc, ins, int, inv, ise, isn, ist, its, ive, jct, jen, jet, jeu, jib, jin, jnt, jun, jus, jut, juv, nbe, neb, nei, net, nib, nie, nis, nit, nub, nus, nut, sbe, sci, sct, sec, sei, sen, set, sib, sic, sie, sin, sit, sub, sue, sui, sun, svc, tbs, tec, ten, tes, tib, tic, tie, tin, tis, tiu, tji, tsi, tub, tue, tui, tun, ubc, ubi, uit, uji, unb, unc, uni, uns, use, ust, usu, utc, ute, uti, uts, utu, vei, vet, vic, vie, vin, vis
Definitions for Subjunctive
[1] (in English and certain other languages) noting or pertaining to a mood or mode of the verb that may be used for subjective, doubtful, hypothetical, or grammatically subordinate statements or questions, as the mood of be in if this be treason. Compare imperative(def 3) , indicative(def 2) .
[2] the subjunctive mood or mode.
[3] a verb in the subjunctive mood or form.
[4] grammar denoting a mood of verbs used when the content of the clause is being doubted, supposed, feared true, etc, rather than being asserted. The rules for its use and the range of meanings it may possess vary considerably from language to language. In the following sentence, were is in the subjunctive I'd think very seriously about that if I were you Compare indicative
[5] grammar the subjunctive mood a verb in this mood
Words nearby Subjunctive
subjoin, subjoinder, subjugate, subjugation, subjunction, subjunctive, subkingdom, sublanguage, sublapsarian, sublapsarianism, sublate
Origin of Subjunctive
1520–30; < Late Latin subjunctīvus, equivalent to subjunct(us ) (past participle of subjungere to subjoin, equivalent to sub- sub- + jung(ere ) to join + -tus past participle suffix) + -īvus -ive
Other words from Subjunctive
sub·junc·tive·ly , adverb
Word origin for Subjunctive
C16: via Late Latin subjunctīvus, from Latin subjungere to subjoin