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Showing words for SUBMITTING using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Submitting
8 Letter Words for Submitting
7 Letter Words for Submitting
6 Letter Words for Submitting
5 Letter Words for Submitting
4 Letter Words for Submitting
3 Letter Words for Submitting
Definitions for Submitting
[1] to give over or yield to the power or authority of another (often used reflexively).
[2] to subject to some kind of treatment or influence.
[3] to present for the approval, consideration, or decision of another or others: to submit a plan; to submit an application.
[4] to state or urge with deference; suggest or propose (usually followed by a clause): I submit that full proof should be required.
[5] to yield oneself to the power or authority of another: to submit to a conqueror.
[6] to allow oneself to be subjected to some kind of treatment: to submit to chemotherapy.
[7] to defer to another's judgment, opinion, decision, etc.: I submit to your superior judgment.
[8] (often foll by to) to yield (oneself), as to the will of another person, a superior force, etc
[9] (foll by to) to subject or be voluntarily subjected (to analysis, treatment, etc)
[10] (tr often foll by to ) to refer (something to someone) for judgment or consideration to submit a claim
[11] (tr; may take a clause as object) to state, contend, or propose deferentially
[12] (intr often foll by to ) to defer or accede (to the decision, opinion, etc, of another)
Words related to Submitting
submitdefer, surrender, agree, acknowledge, urge, propose, suggest, put, table, refer, withstand, kowtow, appease, fold, concede, capitulate, cede, accede, humor, acquiesce
Words nearby Submitting
submitsubminimum, subminimum wage, submiss, submission, submissive, submit, submontane, submucosa, submucosal plexus, submultiple, subnasion
Origin of Submitting
1325–75; Middle English submitten < Latin submittere to lower, reduce, yield, equivalent to sub- sub- + mittere to send
Other words from Submitting
sub·mit·ta·ble , sub·mis·si·ble [suh b-mis -uh -bel] /səbˈmɪs ə bɛl/ , adjective
sub·mit·tal , noun
sub·mit·ter , noun
sub·mit·ting·ly , adverb
non·sub·mis·si·ble , adjective
pre·sub·mit , verb (used with object), pre·sub·mit·ted, pre·sub·mit·ting.
re·sub·mit , verb, re·sub·mit·ted, re·sub·mit·ting.
un·sub·mit·ted , adjective
un·sub·mit·ting , adjective
Word origin for Submitting
C14: from Latin submittere to place under, from sub- + mittere to send
Synonyms for Submitting
acknowledge, agree, defer, surrender, abide, accede, acquiesce, appease, bend, bow, buckle, capitulate, cave, cede, concede, fold, humor, indulge, knuckle, kowtow, obey, quit, relent, relinquish, stoop, succumb, tolerate, truckle, withstand, yield, be submissive, eat crow, give away, give ground, give in, give way, go with the flow, grin and bear it, knuckle under, lay down arms, put up with, resign oneself, say uncle, throw in the towel, toe the line