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Showing words for SUBSIST using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Subsist
6 Letter Words for Subsist
5 Letter Words for Subsist
4 Letter Words for Subsist
3 Letter Words for Subsist
Definitions for Subsist
[1] to exist; continue in existence.
[2] to remain alive; live, as on food, resources, etc.
[3] to have existence in, or by reason of, something.
[4] to reside, lie, or consist (usually followed by in ).
[5] Philosophy . to have timeless or abstract existence, as a number, relation, etc. to have existence, especially independent existence.
[6] to provide sustenance or support for; maintain.
[7] (often foll by on) to be sustained; manage to live to subsist on milk
[8] to continue in existence
[9] (foll by in) to lie or reside by virtue (of); consist
[10] philosophy to exist as a concept or relation rather than a fact to be conceivable
[11] (tr) obsolete to provide with support
Words related to Subsist
breathe, be, manage, last, continue, move, remain, live, sustain, exist, endure, survive
Words nearby Subsist
subsidiary company, subsidiary ledger, subsidiary rights, subsidize, subsidy, subsist, subsistence, subsistence allowance, subsistence farming, subsistence level, subsistence wage
Origin of Subsist
1540–50; < Latin subsistere to remain, equivalent to sub- sub- + sistere to stand, make stand; see stand
Words that may be confused with Subsist
Other words from Subsist
sub·sist·ing·ly , adverb
pre·sub·sist , verb (used without object)
self-sub·sist·ing , adjective
su·per·sub·sist , verb (used without object)
Word origin for Subsist
C16: from Latin subsistere to stand firm, from sub- up + sistere to make a stand
Synonyms for Subsist
get along, get by, scrape by, be, breathe, continue, endure, exist, last, live, manage, move, remain, survive, sustain, barely exist, eke out a living, eke out an existence, hang in, hang on, hang tough, just make it, make ends meet, make it, remain alive, ride out, stay alive, stick it out, stick with it