9 Letter Words for Substance
8 Letter Words for Substance
nutcases, subcaste
7 Letter Words for Substance
absents, ascents, basnets, butanes, cessant, cuestas, nasutes, neascus, nutcase, sacbuts, sanctus, secants, senatus, stances, subacts, subcase, subcast, subnect, subnets, subsect, sunbeat, unbaste, unbeast, uncases, uncaste, unseats, usances
6 Letter Words for Substance
abcess, absent, abuses, acutes, anuses, asbest, ascent, assent, astuns, bancus, bantus, basest, basnet, basset, basten, bastes, beasts, beatus, beauts, becuna, besant, buenas, bunces, butane, cantus, casten, castes, causen, causes, causse, cebuan, census, centas, cestas, cestus, cubane, cubans, cuesta, enacts, esbats, nabses, nasute, sacbut, sanest, sauces, saunts, sautes, scants, scenas, scents, scubas, scutes, secant, sesban, snaste, stance, stanes, steans, subact, subnet, subsea, subset, sunset, tabuns, taubes, tensas, tsubas, tuscan, unbase, uncase, uncast, uncate, unseat, unsets, usance, usneas, utases
5 Letter Words for Substance
abets, abnet, abune, abuse, abuts, acnes, actus, acute, antes, ascus, asset, astun, atune, aunes, aunts, bancs, banes, bants, bantu, banus, bases, basse, baste, basts, bates, beans, beant, beast, beats, beaus, beaut, becut, bents, besan, besat, bests, betas, buats, bunas, bunce, bunts, buses, busts, butea, butes, canes, canst, cants, cases, casse, caste, casts, casus, cates, cause, cebus, cents, centu, cesta, cetus, csnet, cuban, cubas, cubes, cunea, cunts, cutes, easts, enact, esbat, estab, estus, etnas, nabes, nasus, nates, natus, neats, nests, sabes, sanct, sanes, sants, sates, sauce, saunt, saute, sauts, scabs, scans, scant, scase, scats, scaut, sceat, scena, scent, scuba, scuse, scuta, scute, scuts, seans, seats, sebat, sects, secus, senas, sensa, sensu, sents, snabs, snast, snebs, snubs, stabs, stane, staun, stean, stens, stube, stubs, stuns, suant, subas, subet, subst, suent, suets, susan, tabes, tabun, taces, tasse, taube, tsuba, tuans, tubae, tubas, tubes, tunas, tunca, tunes, unact, unbet, unces, unset, usant, usent, usnea
4 Letter Words for Substance
abcs, abet, abut, aces, acne, acts, actu, acus, ance, anes, anet, ansu, ante, ants, antu, anus, asse, assn, asst, ates, aube, aune, aunt, aute, bacs, bact, banc, bane, bans, bant, base, bass, bast, bate, bats, baun, bean, beat, beau, bena, bens, bent, besa, bess, best, beta, bets, buat, buna, buns, bunt, buss, bust, bute, buts, cabs, cane, cans, cant, case, cass, cast, cate, cats, caus, ceas, cebu, cens, cent, cess, cest, cuba, cube, cubs, cues, cunt, cuss, cust, cute, cuts, eans, east, eats, eaus, ecus, esau, esca, ests, etas, etna, etua, nabe, nabs, nabu, nace, nast, nats, natu, naut, neat, nebs, ness, nest, nets, neut, nsec, nubs, nuts, sabe, sabs, sacs, sane, sans, sant, sate, saut, scab, scan, scat, scet, scun, scut, sean, seas, seat, sebs, secs, sect, sena, sens, sent, seta, sets, snab, sneb, snub, stab, sten, stub, stue, stun, suba, subs, sues, suet, sune, suns, sunt, tabs, tace, taen, tane, tans, tass, tasu, taun, taus, tean, teas, teca, tens, tsun, tuan, tuba, tube, tubs, tues, tuna, tune, tuns, unbe, unca, unce, uncs, unct, unta, uses, utas, utes
3 Letter Words for Substance
abc, abn, abs, abt, abu, ace, act, aes, anc, ane, ans, ant, anu, asb, ase, ass, ast, ate, bac, bae, ban, bas, bat, bec, ben, bes, bet, bns, btu, bun, bus, but, cab, can, cat, cen, cns, cst, cte, ctn, cts, cub, cue, cun, cut, ean, eas, eat, eau, ebn, ebs, ecb, ect, ecu, enc, ens, esc, ess, est, esu, eta, etc, nab, nae, nas, nat, nbe, nea, neb, net, nub, nus, nut, sab, sac, san, sat, sau, sbe, sct, sea, sec, sen, set, sse, ssu, sta, sub, sue, sun, sus, tab, tan, tas, tau, tbs, tea, tec, ten, tes, tss, tua, tub, tue, tun, ubc, uca, una, unb, unc, uns, usa, use, ust, uta, utc, ute, uts
Definitions for Substance
[1] that of which a thing consists; physical matter or material: form and substance.
[2] a species of matter of definite chemical composition: a chalky substance.
[3] controlled substance.
[4] the subject matter of thought, discourse, study, etc.
[5] the actual matter of a thing, as opposed to the appearance or shadow; reality.
[6] substantial or solid character or quality: claims lacking in substance.
[7] consistency; body: soup without much substance.
[8] the meaning or gist, as of speech or writing.
[9] something that has separate or independent existence.
[10] Philosophy . something that exists by itself and in which accidents or attributes inhere; that which receives modifications and is not itself a mode; something that is causally active; something that is more than an event. the essential part of a thing; essence. a thing considered as a continuing whole.
[11] possessions, means, or wealth: to squander one's substance.
[12] Linguistics . the articulatory or acoustic reality or the perceptual manifestation of a word or other construction (distinguished from form).
[13] a standard of weights for paper.
[14] in substance , concerning the essentials; substantially. actually; really: That is in substance how it appeared to me.
[15] the tangible matter of which a thing consists
[16] a specific type of matter, esp a homogeneous material with a definite composition
[17] the essence, meaning, etc, of a written or spoken thought
[18] solid or meaningful quality
[19] material density a vacuum has no substance
[20] material possessions or wealth a man of substance
[21] philosophy the supposed immaterial substratum that can receive modifications and in which attributes and accidents inhere a thing considered as a continuing whole that survives the changeability of its properties
[22] Christian Science that which is eternal
[23] a euphemistic term for any illegal drug
[24] in substance with regard to the salient points
Words related to Substance
item, material, texture, object, stuff, strength, meat, effect, amount, significance, subject, body, core, individual, phenomenon, matter, being, hunk, reality, bulk
Words nearby Substance
subspecific, subspinale, subspontaneous, subst., substage, substance, substance abuse, substance abuse disorder, substance p, substandard, substantia
Origin of Substance
1250–1300; Middle English < Latin substantia substance, essence (literally, that which stands under, i.e., underlies), equivalent to sub- sub- + -stant- (stem of stāns, present participle of stāre to stand) + -ia -ia (see -ance)
Other words from Substance
sub·stance·less , adjective
Word origin for Substance
C13: via Old French from Latin substantia, from substāre, from sub- + stāre to stand
Synonyms for Substance
item, material, object, stuff, texture, actuality, animal, being, body, bulk, concreteness, core, corpus, fabric, force, hunk, individual, mass, matter, person, phenomenon, reality, staple, thing, something