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Showing words for SUBSTITUTIVE using the English dictionary
12 Letter Words for Substitutive
10 Letter Words for Substitutive
8 Letter Words for Substitutive
7 Letter Words for Substitutive
6 Letter Words for Substitutive
5 Letter Words for Substitutive
4 Letter Words for Substitutive
3 Letter Words for Substitutive
Definitions for Substitutive
[1] serving as or capable of serving as a substitute.
[2] pertaining to or involving substitution.
[3] acting or able to act as a substitute
[4] of or involving substitution
Words related to Substitutive
dummy, stopgap, temporary, ersatz, surrogate, imitation, alternate, pseudo, second, counterfeit, makeshift, acting, near, simulated, representative, sham, reserve, backup, proxy, mock
Words nearby Substitutive
substitution cipher, substitution product, substitution reaction, substitution therapy, substitution transfusion, substitutive, substitutivity, substrate, substratosphere, substratum, substruction
Origin of Substitutive
First recorded in 1590–1600; substitute + -ive
Other words from Substitutive
sub·sti·tu·tive·ly , adverb
non·sub·sti·tu·tive , adjective
un·sub·sti·tu·tive , adjective
Synonyms for Substitutive
acting, alternate, backup, counterfeit, dummy, ersatz, imitation, makeshift, mock, near, proxy, pseudo, replacement, representative, reserve, second, sham, simulated, stopgap, surrogate, temporary, additional, another, artificial, experimental, false, other, provisional, spurious, supplemental, supplementary, supposititious, symbolic, tentative, vicarial, vicarious