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Showing words for SUBSUME using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Subsume
6 Letter Words for Subsume
5 Letter Words for Subsume
4 Letter Words for Subsume
3 Letter Words for Subsume
Definitions for Subsume
[1] to consider or include (an idea, term, proposition, etc.) as part of a more comprehensive one.
[2] to bring (a case, instance, etc.) under a rule.
[3] to take up into a more inclusive classification.
[4] to incorporate (an idea, proposition, case, etc) under a comprehensive or inclusive classification or heading
[5] to consider (an instance of something) as part of a general rule or principle
Words related to Subsume
involve, incorporate, classify, contain
Words nearby Subsume
substratosphere, substratum, substruction, substructure, subsulfate, subsume, subsumption, subsurface, subsystem, subtangent, subteen
Origin of Subsume
1525–35; < Medieval Latin subsūmere, equivalent to Latin sub- sub- + sūmere to take; see consume
Other words from Subsume
sub·sum·a·ble , adjective
Word origin for Subsume
C16: from New Latin subsumere, from Latin sub- + sumere to take