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Showing words for SUCTION using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Suction
6 Letter Words for Suction
5 Letter Words for Suction
4 Letter Words for Suction
3 Letter Words for Suction
Definitions for Suction
[1] the act, process, or condition of sucking.
[2] the force that, by a pressure differential, attracts a substance or object to the region of lower pressure.
[3] the act or process of producing such a force.
[4] to draw out or remove by aspiration.
[5] the act or process of sucking
[6] the force or condition produced by a pressure difference, as the force holding a suction cap onto a surface
[7] the act or process of producing such a force or condition
Words related to Suction
weight, advantage, clout, intake, digestion, consumption, saturation, penetration, retention, absorb, inhale, drink, pull, grease, power, authority, break, drag, edge, rank
Words nearby Suction
sucre, sucrose, sucrose polyester, sucrosemia, sucrosuria, suction, suction and curettage, suction cup, suction drainage, suction lipectomy, suction pump
Origin of Suction
1605–15; < Late Latin sūctiōn- (stem of sūctiō ) a sucking, equivalent to Latin sūct(us ) (past participle of sūgere to suck) + -iōn- -ion
Other words from Suction
suc·tion·al , adjective
non·suc·tion , noun
Word origin for Suction
C17: from Late Latin suctiō a sucking, from Latin sūgere to suck
Synonyms for Suction
advantage, bargaining chip, clout, weight, ascendancy, authority, break, drag, edge, grease, power, pull, rank, ropes, jump on