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Showing words for SUITED using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Suited
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3 Letter Words for Suited
Definitions for Suited
[1] appropriate: She is suited to such a job.
[2] compatible or consistent with: a prose style suited to the subject.
[3] a set of clothing, armor, or the like, intended for wear together.
[4] a set of men's garments of the same color and fabric, consisting of trousers, a jacket, and sometimes a vest.
[5] a similarly matched set consisting of a skirt and jacket, and sometimes a topcoat or blouse, worn by women.
[6] any costume worn for some special activity: a running suit.
[7] Often suits . Slang . an executive, manager, or official, especially one regarded as a faceless decision maker.
[8] Law . the act, the process, or an instance of suing in a court of law; legal prosecution; lawsuit.
[9] Cards . one of the four sets or classes (spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs) into which a common deck of playing cards is divided. the aggregate of cards belonging to one of these sets held in a player's hand at one time: Spades were his long suit. one of various sets or classes into which less common decks of cards are divided, as lances, hammers, etc., found in certain decks formerly used or used in fortune telling.
[10] suite(defs 1–3, 5) .
[11] the wooing or courting of a woman: She rejected his suit.
[12] the act of making a petition or an appeal.
[13] a petition, as to a person of rank or station.
[14] Also called set. Nautical . a complete group of sails for a boat.
[15] one of the seven classes into which a standard set of 28 dominoes may be divided by matching the numbers on half the face of each: a three suit contains the 3-blank, 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 3-5, and 3-6. Since each such suit contains one of each of the other possible suits, only one complete suit is available per game.
[16] to make appropriate, adapt, or accommodate, as one thing to another: to suit the punishment to the crime.
[17] to be appropriate or becoming to: Blue suits you very well.
[18] to be or prove satisfactory, agreeable, or acceptable to; satisfy or please: The arrangements suit me.
[19] to provide with a suit, as of clothing or armor; clothe; array.
[20] to be appropriate or suitable; accord.
[21] to be satisfactory, agreeable, or acceptable.
[22] suit up , to dress in a uniform or special suit.
[23] any set of clothes of the same or similar material designed to be worn together, now usually (for men) a jacket with matching trousers or (for women) a jacket with matching or contrasting skirt or trousers
[24] (in combination) any outfit worn for a specific purpose a spacesuit
[25] any set of items, such as the full complement of sails of a vessel or parts of personal armour
[26] any of the four sets of 13 cards in a pack of playing cards, being spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs. The cards in each suit are two to ten, jack, queen, and king in the usual order of ascending value, with ace counting as either the highest or lowest according to the game
[27] a civil proceeding; lawsuit
[28] the act or process of suing in a court of law
[29] a petition or appeal made to a person of superior rank or status or the act of making such a petition
[30] slang a business executive or white-collar manager
[31] a man's courting of a woman
[32] follow suit to play a card of the same suit as the card played immediately before it to act in the same way as someone else
[33] strong suit or strongest suit something that one excels in
[34] to make or be fit or appropriate for that dress suits you
[35] to meet the requirements or standards (of)
[36] to be agreeable or acceptable to (someone)
[37] suit oneself to pursue one's own intentions without reference to others
Words related to Suited
appropriate, suitable, satisfactory, befitting, fitted
Words nearby Suited
suit-dress, suita, suitable, suitcase, suite, suited, suiter, suiting, suitland-silver hill, suitor, suiyüan
Origin of Suited
1250–1300; Middle English siute, sute, suite (noun) < Anglo-French, Old French, akin to sivre to follow. See sue, suite
Words that may be confused with Suited
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, suitsuit, suite
Other words from Suited
un·suit·ed , adjective
well-suit·ed , adjective
suit·like , adjective
coun·ter·suit , noun
re·suit , noun, verb (used with object)
un·der·suit , noun
un·der·suit , verb (used with object)
Word origin for Suited
C13: from Old French sieute set of things, from sivre to follow; compare sue