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Showing words for SUMO using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Sumo
mous, muso, soum, sumo
3 Letter Words for Sumo
mos, mou, mus, oms, ous, som, sou, sum, ums
Definitions for Sumo
[1] a form of wrestling in Japan in which a contestant wins by forcing his opponent out of the ring or by causing him to touch the ground with any part of his body other than the soles of his feet, contestants usually being men of great height and weight.
[2] the national style of wrestling of Japan, the object of which is to force one's opponent to touch the ground with any part of his body except the soles of his feet or to step out of the ring
Words nearby Sumo
summitry, summon, summons, summum bonum, sumner, sumo, sump, sump drain, sump pump, sump syndrome, sumph
Origin of Sumo
1895–1900; < Japanese sumō, earlier suma(f)u to wrestle
Other words from Sumo
su·mo·ist , noun
Word origin for Sumo
from Japanese sumō