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Showing words for SUNNY using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Sunny
4 Letter Words for Sunny
3 Letter Words for Sunny
Definitions for Sunny
[1] abounding in sunshine: a sunny day.
[2] exposed to, lighted, or warmed by the direct rays of the sun: a sunny room.
[3] pertaining to or proceeding from the sun; solar.
[4] resembling the sun.
[5] cheery, cheerful, or joyous: a sunny disposition.
[6] full of or exposed to sunlight
[7] radiating good humour
[8] of or resembling the sun
Words related to Sunny
pleasant, brilliant, luminous, radiant, sunlit, cheerful, genial, buoyant, cheery, lighthearted, clarion, cloudless, fine, light, shining, shiny, summery, unclouded, sunshiny, beaming
Words nearby Sunny
sunn, sunna, sunni, sunnies, sunnite, sunny, sunny side, sunny-side up, sunnyvale, sunproof, sunray
Origin of Sunny
1250–1300 Middle English; see sun, -y1
Other words from Sunny
sun·ni·ly , adverb
sun·ni·ness , noun
un·sun·ny , adjective
Synonyms for Sunny
brilliant, luminous, pleasant, radiant, sunlit, clarion, cloudless, fine, light, rainless, shining, shiny, summery, sunshiny, unclouded, undarkened