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Showing words for SUPPORTING using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Supporting


9 Letter Words for Supporting

outspring, posturing, purposing, sprouting, stropping

8 Letter Words for Supporting

groupist, gunports, ingroups, outgrins, outrings, pourings, poutings, rousting, routings, sporting, spouting, spurting, stopping, stouring, toppings, tourings, trouping, upspring

7 Letter Words for Supporting

gropius, gunport, ignotus, ingroup, inpours, intruso, nigrous, nitrous, oppugns, ousting, outgrin, outings, outrigs, outring, outsing, outspin, pignuts, pigouts, pontius, popguns, poprins, porting, posting, potguns, pouping, pouring, pouting, proigns, propugn, prosing, pursing, rigouts, ripstop, ropings, rosting, rouping, rousing, routing, ruption, rusting, sopping, sorting, souping, souring, spignut, spinout, sporing, stoping, storing, stuping, supping, support, suption, topping, topspin, touring, tousing, trigons, troping, tropins, trusion, tupping, turions, turnips, unprops, unstrip, uppings, uppoint, upsring

6 Letter Words for Supporting

gipons, gippos, girons, giusto, goupin, griots, grison, groins, groups, grouts, grunts, gruppo, guiros, ingots, inport, inpour, inputs, instop, intros, intrus, ippons, nitros, oppugn, opting, orpins, ouping, outing, outrig, outsin, pignus, pignut, pigout, pingos, pinots, pintos, pinups, piston, pistou, pitons, points, pontus, popgun, poprin, poring, posing, postin, potgun, poting, potins, prinos, prints, prions, prison, progun, proign, proins, prongs, prosit, proust, pruigo, prunts, puntos, puring, purins, purist, puting, putois, putons, rigout, ripgut, rippon, roping, rosing, roting, roupit, ruings, rutins, signor, soring, spigot, spinor, spinto, spring, sprint, sprong, sprout, spruit, sprung, sprunt, spuing, stingo, string, strong, stroup, strung, stupor, sturin, suitor, suring, tigons, toping, tornus, tosing, trigon, trigos, triops, tripos, tropin, truing, truong, tungos, turing, turion, turnip, turpis, tursio, ungrip, unprop, unrigs, unrips, unsort, unspit, unspot, unstop, untrig, upgirt, upping, uprist, upspin, upstir, uptorn, urping, ustion

5 Letter Words for Supporting

gipon, gippo, girns, giron, giros, girts, giust, gorps, gorst, gouts, grins, grint, griot, grips, gript, grist, grits, groin, gront, grots, group, grout, grunt, guiro, gurns, gurts, gusto, ingot, inorg, input, instr, intro, inust, iortn, ippon, irons, irous, isort, nitos, nitro, noirs, noris, norit, nosig, notus, noups, oints, oping, opsin, ornis, orpin, orpit, pingo, pings, pinot, pinto, pints, pinup, pinus, pions, pious, pirns, pirog, pirot, piton, point, pongs, ponts, porns, ports, porus, posit, potin, potus, poupt, pours, pouts, prigs, print, prion, prius, progs, proin, prong, props, prost, prunt, psion, puist, pungi, pungs, punti, punto, punts, purin, puris, puton, rings, riots, ripps, ripup, ritsu, ritus, roins, roist, ronts, rosin, rosit, rosti, rotis, roups, roust, routs, ruing, ruins, rungs, runts, rusot, rutin, sirop, snirt, snort, snout, snurp, snurt, soign, spiro, spong, sport, spout, sprig, sprit, sprog, sprot, sprug, spung, spurn, spurt, sruti, sting, stion, stipo, stirp, stong, stoun, stoup, strig, strip, strop, stung, stupp, suing, suint, sutor, tigon, tings, tipup, tongs, tonus, torus, touns, tourn, tours, trigo, trigs, trins, trios, trips, trogs, trois, trons, trugs, tungo, tungs, tunis, turin, turio, turns, turps, ungot, unist, units, unpot, unrig, unrip, untop, uprip, upsit, urson, using

4 Letter Words for Supporting

gins, gios, girn, giro, girt, gist, gits, gnus, gois, gons, gorp, goup, gout, grin, grip, gris, grit, gros, grot, grun, grus, guns, gups, gurn, gurs, gurt, gust, guts, ingo, inro, insp, inst, into, intr, ions, ipso, iron, isnt, niog, nips, nist, nito, nits, nogs, noir, nori, nots, noup, nous, nout, nurs, nuts, ogpu, oint, onst, onus, opts, opus, orig, orts, otis, otus, oups, ourn, ours, oust, outr, outs, pigs, ping, pino, pins, pint, pion, pips, pirn, pirs, piso, pist, pits, pius, pois, pong, pons, pont, pops, porn, port, post, poti, pots, pour, pout, pptn, prig, prin, prio, prog, pron, prop, pros, prut, psig, ptui, pugs, puir, pung, puns, punt, pups, puri, purs, puts, rigs, ring, rins, riot, ripp, rips, ript, risp, rist, rits, roin, roit, rong, ront, ropp, rost, roti, rots, roun, roup, rous, rout, rugs, ruin, rung, runs, runt, rust, ruts, sign, sing, sion, situ, snig, snip, snit, snog, snop, snot, snug, snup, snur, soir, song, sori, sorn, sort, soup, sour, sout, spig, spin, spit, spor, spot, spug, spun, spur, sput, stir, stog, stop, stor, stug, stun, sugi, suit, sung, suni, sunt, supp, supr, supt, surg, tigs, ting, tins, tips, tipu, togs, tong, tons, topi, tops, tori, torn, tors, toru, toug, toun, toup, tour, trig, trin, trio, trip, trog, tron, trop, trug, trun, tsun, tugs, tuis, tung, tuno, tuns, tupi, tups, turn, turp, ungt, unio, unis, unit, unto, upgo, upon, urns, urps, utis

3 Letter Words for Supporting

gin, gio, gis, git, gnp, gns, gnu, goi, gon, gop, gor, gos, got, gou, gps, gro, grs, gui, gun, gup, gur, gus, gut, ign, ing, ins, int, ion, ios, iou, ipo, ipr, ips, irs, isn, iso, ist, its, nig, nip, nis, nit, nog, nor, nos, not, nur, nus, nut, ois, oni, ons, ont, opp, ops, opt, org, ors, ort, osi, oui, oup, our, ous, out, pig, pin, pip, pir, pis, pit, piu, poi, pon, pop, por, pos, pot, ppi, ppr, pps, ppt, prn, pro, prp, prs, psi, pst, ptg, ptp, pts, pug, pun, pup, pur, pus, put, rig, rin, rio, rip, rit, rog, roi, ron, ros, rot, rps, rpt, rti, rug, run, rut, sig, sin, sip, sir, sit, sog, son, sop, sot, sou, spp, spt, sri, stg, str, sui, sun, sup, sur, tgn, tig, tin, tip, tis, tiu, tng, tog, toi, ton, top, tor, tos, tou, tpi, tps, tri, trp, trs, tsi, tsp, tug, tui, tun, tup, tur, ugs, ugt, uit, ung, uni, unp, uns, upo, ups, urn, urp, urs, ust, uti, uts

Definitions for Supporting

[1] to bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part, etc.); serve as a foundation for.
[2] to sustain or withstand (weight, pressure, strain, etc.) without giving way; serve as a prop for.
[3] to undergo or endure, especially with patience or submission; tolerate.
[4] to sustain (a person, the mind, spirits, courage, etc.) under trial or affliction: They supported him throughout his ordeal.
[5] to maintain (a person, family, establishment, institution, etc.) by supplying with things necessary to existence; provide for: to support a family.
[6] to uphold (a person, cause, policy, etc.) by aid, countenance, one's vote, etc.; back; second.
[7] to maintain or advocate (a theory, principle, etc.).
[8] to corroborate (a statement, opinion, etc.): Leading doctors supported his testimony.
[9] to act with or second (a lead performer); assist in performance: The star was supported by a talented newcomer.
[10] the act or an instance of supporting.
[11] the state of being supported.
[12] something that serves as a foundation, prop, brace, or stay.
[13] maintenance, as of a person or family, with necessaries, means, or funds: to pay for support of an orphan.
[14] a person or thing that supports, as financially: The pension was his only support.
[15] a person or thing that gives aid or assistance.
[16] an actor, actress, or group performing with a lead performer.
[17] the material, as canvas or wood, on which a picture is painted.
[18] Stock Exchange . support level.
[19] (of hosiery) made with elasticized fibers so as to fit snugly on the legs, thereby aiding circulation, relieving fatigue, etc.
[20] (of a role) being a fairly important but not leading part, esp in a play or film
[21] (of an actor or actress) playing a supporting role
[22] to carry the weight of
[23] to bear or withstand (pressure, weight, etc)
[24] to provide the necessities of life for (a family, person, etc)
[25] to tend to establish (a theory, statement, etc) by providing new facts; substantiate
[26] to speak in favour of (a motion)
[27] to give aid or courage to
[28] to give approval to (a cause, principle, etc); subscribe to to support a political candidature
[29] to endure with forbearance I will no longer support bad behaviour
[30] to give strength to; maintain to support a business
[31] (tr) (in a concert) to perform earlier than (the main attraction)
[32] films theatre to play a subordinate role to to accompany (the feature) in a film programme
[33] to act or perform (a role or character)
[34] the act of supporting or the condition of being supported
[35] a thing that bears the weight or part of the weight of a construction
[36] a person who or thing that furnishes aid
[37] the means of maintenance of a family, person, etc
[38] a band or entertainer not topping the bill
[39] the support an actor or group of actors playing subordinate roles
[40] med an appliance worn to ease the strain on an injured bodily structure or part
[41] the solid material on which a painting is executed, such as canvas
[42] See athletic support

Words related to Supporting

supporthelping, encouraging, shielding, aiding, promoting, collateral, auxiliary, ancillary, corroborative, for

Words nearby Supporting

supportsupply chain, supply teacher, supply-side, supply-side economics, supply-sider, support, support area, support group, support level, support mission, support price

Origin of Supporting

1350–1400; (v.) Middle English supporten < Middle French supporter < Medieval Latin supportāre to endure (Latin: to convey), equivalent to sup- sup- + portāre to carry (see port5); (noun) Middle English, derivative of the v.

Other words from Supporting

sup·port·ing·ly , adverb
non·sup·port·ing , adjective
pre·sup·port , noun, verb (used with object)
pro·sup·port , adjective
qua·si-sup·port·ed , adjective
un·der·sup·port , noun
un·sup·port·ed , adjective
un·sup·port·ed·ly , adverb
un·sup·port·ing , adjective
well-sup·port·ed , adjective

Word origin for Supporting

C14: from Old French supporter, from Latin supportāre to bring, from sub- up + portāre to carry

Synonyms for Supporting

aiding, approving, encouraging, helping, promoting, shielding