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Showing words for SUPPOSE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Suppose
6 Letter Words for Suppose
5 Letter Words for Suppose
4 Letter Words for Suppose
3 Letter Words for Suppose
Definitions for Suppose
[1] to assume (something), as for the sake of argument or as part of a proposition or theory: Suppose the distance to be one mile.
[2] to consider (something) as a possibility suggested or an idea or plan proposed: Suppose we wait until tomorrow.
[3] to believe or assume as true; take for granted: It is supposed that his death was an accident.
[4] to think or hold as an opinion: What do you suppose he will do?
[5] to require logically; imply; presuppose: The evidence supposes his presence near the scene.
[6] (used in the passive) to expect or design; require or permit (followed by an infinitive verb): The machine is supposed to make noise. I'm not supposed to run fast.
[7] to assume something; presume; think.
[8] to presume (something) to be true without certain knowledge I suppose he meant to kill her
[9] to consider as a possible suggestion for the sake of discussion, elucidation, etc; postulate suppose that he wins the election
[10] (of theories, propositions, etc) to imply the inference or assumption (of) your policy supposes full employment
Words related to Suppose
pretend, deem, understand, expect, presume, think, assume, figure, predicate, accept, divine, estimate, surmise, calculate, grant, hypothesize, suspect, take, opine, infer
Words nearby Suppose
supporting, supportive, supportive psychotherapy, supportive therapy, supposal, suppose, supposed, supposed to, supposing, supposition, suppositious
Origin of Suppose
1275–1325; Middle English supposen < Old French supposer, equivalent to sup- sup- + poser to pose1; compare Medieval Latin suppōnere to suppose, Latin: to substitute, place below
Other words from Suppose
sup·pos·a·ble , adjective
sup·pos·a·bly , adverb
sup·pos·er , noun
mis·sup·pose , verb, mis·sup·posed, mis·sup·pos·ing.
un·sup·pos·a·ble , adjective
Word origin for Suppose
C14: from Old French supposer, from Medieval Latin suppōnere, from Latin: to substitute, from sub- + pōnere to put
Synonyms for Suppose
deem, expect, presume, pretend, think, understand, accept, admit, brainstorm, calculate, conjecture, divine, dream, estimate, figure, grant, guesstimate, hypothesize, imagine, infer, judge, opine, posit, predicate, presuppose, spark, speculate, surmise, suspect, take, theorize, cook up, dare-say, go out on a limb, hazard a guess, take for granted