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Showing words for SUPPRESSOR using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Suppressor
9 Letter Words for Suppressor
8 Letter Words for Suppressor
7 Letter Words for Suppressor
6 Letter Words for Suppressor
5 Letter Words for Suppressor
4 Letter Words for Suppressor
3 Letter Words for Suppressor
Definitions for Suppressor
[1] to put an end to the activities of (a person, body of persons, etc.): to suppress the Communist and certain left-leaning parties.
[2] to do away with by or as by authority; abolish; stop (a practice, custom, etc.).
[3] to keep in or repress (a feeling, smile, groan, etc.).
[4] to withhold from disclosure or publication (truth, evidence, a book, names, etc.).
[5] to stop or arrest (a flow, hemorrhage, cough, etc.).
[6] to vanquish or subdue (a revolt, rebellion, etc.); quell; crush.
[7] Electricity . to reduce or eliminate (an irregular or undesired oscillation or frequency) in a circuit.
[8] a person or thing that suppresses
[9] a device fitted to an electrical appliance to suppress unwanted electrical interference to audiovisual signals
[10] to put an end to; prohibit
[11] to hold in check; restrain I was obliged to suppress a smile
[12] to withhold from circulation or publication to suppress seditious pamphlets
[13] to stop the activities of; crush to suppress a rebellion
[14] electronics to reduce or eliminate (unwanted oscillations) in a circuit to eliminate (a particular frequency or group of frequencies) in a signal
[15] psychiatry to resist consciously (an idea or a desire entering one's mind) to exercise self-control by preventing the expression of (certain desires) Compare repress (def. 3)
Words nearby Suppressor
suppresssupposition, suppositious, supposititious, suppositive, suppository, suppress, suppressant, suppressed carrier modulation, suppression, suppressive, suppressor
Origin of Suppressor
1375–1425; late Middle English suppressen < Latin suppressus (past participle of supprimere to press down), equivalent to sup- sup- + pressus (see press1)
Other words from Suppressor
sup·pressed·ly [suh -prest -lee, -pres -id-] /səˈprɛst li, -ˈprɛs ɪd-/ , adverb
sup·press·i·ble , adjective
sup·pres·sive , adjective
sup·pres·sive·ly , adverb
sup·pres·sor , sup·press·er , noun
non·sup·pressed , adjective
non·sup·pres·sive , adjective
non·sup·pres·sive·ly , adverb
non·sup·pres·sive·ness , noun
pre·sup·press , verb (used with object)
qua·si-sup·pressed , adjective
re·sup·press , verb (used with object)
self-sup·press·ing , adjective
self-sup·pres·sive , adjective
un·sup·pressed , adjective
un·sup·press·i·ble , adjective
un·sup·pres·sive , adjective
well-sup·pressed , adjective
Word origin for Suppressor
C14: from Latin suppressus held down, from supprimere to restrain, from sub- down + premere to press