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Showing words for SURELY using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Surely
5 Letter Words for Surely
4 Letter Words for Surely
3 Letter Words for Surely
Definitions for Surely
[1] firmly; unerringly; without missing, slipping, etc.
[2] undoubtedly, assuredly, or certainly: The results are surely encouraging.
[3] (in emphatic utterances that are not necessarily sustained by fact) assuredly: Surely you are mistaken.
[4] inevitably or without fail: Slowly but surely the end approached.
[5] yes, indeed: Surely, I'll go with you!
[6] without doubt; assuredly things could surely not have been worse
[7] without fail; inexorably (esp in the phrase slowly but surely )
[8] (sentence modifier) am I not right in thinking that?; I am sure that surely you don't mean it?
[9] rare in a sure manner
[10] archaic safely; securely
[11] (sentence substitute) mainly US and Canadian willingly; of course; yes
Words related to Surely
inevitably, certainly, assuredly, plainly, absolutely, indeed, unquestionably, evidently, definitely, undoubtedly, clearly, inexorably, decidedly, distinctly, indubitably, positively, conclusively, doubtlessly, admittedly, explicitly
Words nearby Surely
sure-fire, sure-footed, sure-handed, surefire, surefooted, surely, surety, suretyship, surf, surf 'n' turf, surf and turf
Origin of Surely
First recorded in 1300–50, surely is from the Middle English word surliche. See sure, -ly
Synonyms for Surely
absolutely, assuredly, certainly, clearly, definitely, evidently, indeed, inevitably, inexorably, plainly, undoubtedly, unquestionably, admittedly, beyond doubt, beyond shadow of doubt, come what may, conclusively, decidedly, distinctly, doubtlessly, explicitly, fixedly, for certain, for real, indubitably, infallibly, irrefutably, manifestly, nothing else but, positively, rain or shine, to be sure, unequivocally, unerringly, unfailingly, unmistakably, unshakably, with certainty, without fail