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Showing words for SURFEIT using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Surfeit
6 Letter Words for Surfeit
5 Letter Words for Surfeit
4 Letter Words for Surfeit
3 Letter Words for Surfeit
Definitions for Surfeit
[1] excess; an excessive amount: a surfeit of speechmaking.
[2] excess or overindulgence in eating or drinking.
[3] an uncomfortably full or crapulous feeling due to excessive eating or drinking.
[4] general disgust caused by excess or satiety.
[5] to bring to a state of surfeit by excess of food or drink.
[6] to supply with anything to excess or satiety; satiate.
[7] to eat or drink to excess.
[8] to suffer from the effects of overindulgence in eating or drinking.
[9] to indulge to excess in anything.
[10] (usually foll by of) an excessive or immoderate amount
[11] overindulgence, esp in eating or drinking
[12] disgust, nausea, etc, caused by such overindulgence
[13] (tr) to supply or feed excessively; satiate
[14] (intr) archaic to eat, drink, or be supplied to excess
[15] (intr) obsolete to feel uncomfortable as a consequence of overindulgence
Words related to Surfeit
profusion, glut, plethora, saturation, surplus, overabundance, plenitude, superabundance, overmuch, overindulgence, satisfaction, superfluity, repletion, satiety, overflow, remainder, bellyful, overplus, overkill, satisfy
Words nearby Surfeit
surfbird, surfboard, surfboarding, surfboat, surfcasting, surfeit, surfer's knobs, surfer's knot, surffish, surficial, surfie
Origin of Surfeit
1250–1300; (noun) Middle English sorfete, surfait < Middle French surfait, surfet (noun use of past participle of surfaire to overdo), equivalent to sur- sur-1 + fait < Latin factus, past participle of facere to do (see fact); (v.) sorfeten, derivative of the noun
Other words from Surfeit
un·sur·feit·ed , adjective
un·sur·feit·ing , adjective
Word origin for Surfeit
C13: from French surfait, from surfaire to overdo, from sur- 1 + faire, from Latin facere to do
Synonyms for Surfeit
glut, plethora, profusion, bellyful, overabundance, overflow, overindulgence, overkill, overmuch, overplus, plenitude, remainder, repletion, satiety, satisfaction, saturation, superabundance, superfluity, surplus, overfullness, up to here