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Showing words for SURPASS using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Surpass
6 Letter Words for Surpass
5 Letter Words for Surpass
4 Letter Words for Surpass
3 Letter Words for Surpass
Definitions for Surpass
[1] to go beyond in amount, extent, or degree; be greater than; exceed.
[2] to go beyond in excellence or achievement; be superior to; excel: He surpassed his brother in sports.
[3] to be beyond the range or capacity of; transcend: misery that surpasses description.
[4] to be greater than in degree, extent, etc
[5] to be superior to in achievement or excellence
[6] to overstep the limit or range of the theory surpasses my comprehension
Words related to Surpass
outweigh, exceed, beat, outperform, top, eclipse, rank, outstrip, pass, outpace, transcend, better, trump, outshine, cap, excel, overstep, overshadow, outdistance, outmatch
Words nearby Surpass
surly, surmise, surmount, surmullet, surname, surpass, surpassing, surplice, surplus, surplus value, surplusage
Origin of Surpass
1545–55; < Middle French surpasser, equivalent to sur- sur-1 + passer to pass
Other words from Surpass
sur·pass·a·ble , adjective
sur·pass·er , noun
un·sur·pass·a·ble , adjective
un·sur·passed , adjective
Word origin for Surpass
C16: from French surpasser, from sur- 1 + passer to pass
Synonyms for Surpass
beat, eclipse, exceed, outpace, outperform, outstrip, outweigh, pass, rank, top, best, better, cap, excel, outdistance, outgo, outmatch, outrank, outrival, outrun, outshine, override, overshadow, overstep, surmount, tower, transcend, trump, go beyond, go one better, improve upon, outstep, put to shame, tower above