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Showing words for SURPRISE using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Surprise
7 Letter Words for Surprise
6 Letter Words for Surprise
5 Letter Words for Surprise
4 Letter Words for Surprise
3 Letter Words for Surprise
Definitions for Surprise
[1] to strike or occur to with a sudden feeling of wonder or astonishment, as through unexpectedness: Her beauty surprised me.
[2] to come upon or discover suddenly and unexpectedly: We surprised the children raiding the cookie jar.
[3] to make an unexpected assault on (an unprepared army, fort, person, etc.).
[4] to elicit or bring out suddenly and without warning: to surprise the facts from the witness.
[5] to lead or bring unawares, as into doing something not intended: to surprise a witness into telling the truth.
[6] an act or instance of surprising or being surprised.
[7] something that surprises someone; a completely unexpected occurrence, appearance, or statement: His announcement was a surprise to all.
[8] an assault, as on an army or a fort, made without warning.
[9] a coming upon unexpectedly; detecting in the act; taking unawares.
[10] take by surprise , to come upon unawares. to astonish; amaze: The amount of the donation took us completely by surprise.
[11] to cause to feel amazement or wonder
[12] to encounter or discover unexpectedly or suddenly
[13] to capture or assault suddenly and without warning
[14] to present with something unexpected, such as a gift
[15] (foll by into) to provoke (someone) to unintended action by a trick, etc to surprise a person into an indiscretion
[16] (often foll by from) to elicit by unexpected behaviour or by a trick to surprise information from a prisoner
[17] the act or an instance of surprising; the act of taking unawares
[18] a sudden or unexpected event, gift, etc
[19] the feeling or condition of being surprised; astonishment
[20] (modifier) causing, characterized by, or relying upon surprise a surprise move
[21] take by surprise to come upon suddenly and without warning to capture unexpectedly or catch unprepared to astonish; amaze
Words related to Surprise
bewilderment, consternation, revelation, shock, jolt, miracle, disappointment, curiosity, amazement, awe, wonder, astonishment, dismay, dazzle, unsettle, perplex, bewilder, overwhelm, flabbergast, confuse
Words nearby Surprise
surplus, surplus value, surplusage, surprint, surprisal, surprise, surprise party, surprise symphony, surprising, surra, surratt
Origin of Surprise
1425–75; (noun) late Middle English < Anglo-French surpris (e ), Middle French, past participle of surprendre, equivalent to sur- sur-1 + pris (masculine), prise (feminine) < Latin prēnsus, -sa, equivalent to prēnd (ere ), contracted variant of prehendere to take (see prehension) + -tus, -ta past participle suffix; (v.) late Middle English surprisen < Anglo-French surpris (e ) (past participle), Middle French, as above
Other words from Surprise
sur·pris·ed·ly [ser-prahy -zid-lee, -prahyzd -, suh -] /sərˈpraɪ zɪd li, -ˈpraɪzd-, sə-/ , adverb
sur·pris·er , noun
su·per·sur·prise , noun
un·sur·prised , adjective
Word origin for Surprise
C15: from Old French, from surprendre to overtake, from sur- 1 + prendre from Latin prehendere to grasp; see prehensile
Synonyms for Surprise
amazement, astonishment, awe, bewilderment, consternation, curiosity, disappointment, jolt, miracle, revelation, shock, wonder, abruptness, attack, bombshell, disillusion, epiphany, eureka, fortune, godsend, incredulity, kick, marvel, miscalculation, phenomenon, portent, precipitance, precipitation, precipitousness, prodigy, rarity, start, stupefaction, suddenness, thunderbolt, whammy, wonderment, astoundment, curveball, eye-opener, unexpected, unforeseen