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Showing words for SURVIVING using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Surviving
7 Letter Words for Surviving
6 Letter Words for Surviving
5 Letter Words for Surviving
4 Letter Words for Surviving
3 Letter Words for Surviving
Definitions for Surviving
[1] to remain alive after the death of someone, the cessation of something, or the occurrence of some event; continue to live: Few survived after the holocaust.
[2] to remain or continue in existence or use: Ancient farming methods still survive in the Middle East.
[3] to get along or remain healthy, happy, and unaffected in spite of some occurrence: She's surviving after the divorce.
[4] to continue to live or exist after the death, cessation, or occurrence of: His wife survived him. He survived the operation.
[5] to endure or live through (an affliction, adversity, misery, etc.): She's survived two divorces.
[6] (tr) to live after the death of (another) he survived his wife by 12 years
[7] to continue in existence or use after (a passage of time, an adversity, etc)
[8] informal to endure (something) I don't know how I survive such an awful job
Words related to Surviving
surviveextant, remaining, residual, vestigial
Words nearby Surviving
survivesurvival curve, survival kit, survival of the fittest, survival value, survivalist, survive, survivor, survivor guilt, survivor syndrome, survivorship, sus
Origin of Surviving
e1425–75; late Middle English < Middle French survivre < Latin supervīvere, equivalent to super- super- + vīvere to live; see sur-1, vivid
Other words from Surviving
self-sur·viv·ing , adjective
un·sur·vived , adjective
un·sur·viv·ing , adjective
Word origin for Surviving
eC15: from Old French sourvivre, from Latin supervīvere, from super- + vīvere to live