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Showing words for SWALLOWWORT using the English dictionary
11 Letter Words for Swallowwort
9 Letter Words for Swallowwort
8 Letter Words for Swallowwort
awlworts, wallwort
7 Letter Words for Swallowwort
awlwort, latosol, sawwort, swallow, tallows, torsalo, wallows, woolsaw
6 Letter Words for Swallowwort
allots, allows, alroot, astrol, atolls, ratoos, salloo, sallow, sollar, sortal, stroll, swallo, tallow, tolars, trawls, trolls, wallow, warlow, wrawls, wroots
5 Letter Words for Swallowwort
alloo, allot, allow, altos, astor, atoll, latro, loast, loots, loral, loros, lotas, lotor, lotos, lowts, ollas, orals, orlos, ratoo, ratos, roast, rolls, roosa, roost, roots, rosal, rotal, rotas, rotls, rotos, rowts, salol, salto, slart, sloat, sloot, solar, soral, sorta, sotol, sowar, stall, starw, stola, stool, straw, strow, swart, talls, taros, tolar, tolas, tolls, tools, toral, toros, torso, trawl, troll, trows, twals, walls, warst, warts, wawls, wools, worst, worts, wrast, wrawl, wroot
4 Letter Words for Swallowwort
allo, alls, alow, also, alto, alts, arow, arts, asor, astr, atwo, awls, lalo, laos, lars, last, lats, laws, lolo, loor, loos, loot, lora, loro, lors, lost, lota, loto, lots, lowa, lows, lowt, oars, oast, oats, olla, oots, oral, oras, orlo, orts, osar, oslo, owls, owlt, owts, rall, rals, rast, rato, rats, raws, roll, rool, roos, root, rosa, rost, rota, rotl, roto, rots, rows, rowt, sall, salt, sart, sawt, slat, slaw, sloo, slot, slow, soar, sola, solo, sool, soot, sora, sort, sowl, sowt, star, staw, stoa, stor, stow, stra, swat, swot, swow, tall, taos, taro, tars, taws, tola, toll, tool, toro, tors, tosa, tows, trow, twal, twas, twos, wall, walt, warl, wars, wart, wast, wats, wawl, waws, wool, woos, woot, wort, wost, wots, wows, wowt, wraw
3 Letter Words for Swallowwort
all, alo, als, alt, alw, aor, ars, art, asl, ast, awl, aws, lao, lar, las, lat, law, loa, loo, lor, los, lot, low, lst, ltr, lwl, oar, oas, oat, ola, oor, oos, oot, ora, orl, ors, ort, oto, owl, ows, owt, ras, rat, raw, roo, ros, rot, row, rtw, sal, sao, sar, sat, saw, sla, slt, sol, sot, sow, sta, str, swa, tal, tao, tar, tas, taw, tlo, tlr, toa, tol, too, tor, tos, tow, tra, trs, twa, two, war, was, wat, waw, woa, woo, wos, wot, wow, wro, wsw, www
Definitions for Swallowwort
[1] celandine(def 1) .
[2] any of several plants of the milkweed family, especially a climbing vine, Cynanchum nigrum (black swallowwort) , native to Europe, having small, brownish flowers.
[3] any of several Eurasian vines of the genus Cynanchum, esp C. nigrum, having small brownish-purple flowers: family Asclepiadaceae
[4] a related European herbaceous plant, Vincetoxicum officinale (or Cynanchum vincetoxicum ), having an emetic root
[5] another name for greater celandine
Words nearby Swallowwort
swallow-tailed coat, swallow-tailed kite, swallow-tanager, swallowing reflex, swallowtail, swallowwort, swam, swami, swammerdam, swamp, swamp andromeda
Origin of Swallowwort
First recorded in 1540–50; swallow2 + wort2
Word origin for Swallowwort
C16: so called because the shape of its pod is reminiscent of a flying swallow