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Showing words for SWINGER using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Swinger
6 Letter Words for Swinger
5 Letter Words for Swinger
4 Letter Words for Swinger
3 Letter Words for Swinger
Definitions for Swinger
[1] a person or thing that swings.
[2] Slang . a lively, active, and modern person whose activities are fashionable or trendy.
[3] Slang . a person who indulges in promiscuous sex. a person who engages in the exchanging of spouses for sexual activities.
[4] a person regarded as being modern and lively
[5] a person who swaps sexual partners in a group, esp habitually
Words related to Swinger
oddball, freak, hippie, beatnik, sectarian, dissident, offbeat, bohemian, rebel, weird, maverick, original, liberal, radical, separatist, sectary, iconoclast, demonstrator, protester, malcontent
Words nearby Swinger
swingback, swingbeat, swingboat, swinge, swingeing, swinger, swinging, swinging door, swinging voter, swingle, swinglebar
Origin of Swinger
1535–45 for def 1 ; 1955–60 for def 2 ; swing1 + -er1
Synonyms for Swinger
beatnik, bohemian, dissident, freak, hippie, maverick, oddball, offbeat, original, rebel, sectarian, weird, heretical, heterodox, iconoclastic, schismatic, unorthodox