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Showing words for SWORE using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Swore
[1] a simple past tense of swear.
[2] to make a solemn declaration or affirmation by some sacred being or object, as a deity or the Bible.
[3] to bind oneself by oath.
[4] to give evidence or make a statement on oath.
[5] to use profane oaths or language: Don't swear in front of the children.
[6] to declare, affirm, attest, etc., by swearing by a deity, some sacred object, etc.
[7] to affirm, assert, or say with solemn earnestness.
[8] to promise or undertake on oath or in a solemn manner; vow.
[9] to testify or state on oath: He swore it on the witness stand.
[10] to take (an oath), as in order to give solemnity or force to a declaration, promise, etc.
[11] to bind by an oath: to swear someone to secrecy.
[12] swear by , to name (a sacred being or thing) as one's witness or guarantee in swearing. Informal . to have great confidence in; rely on: He swears by his dentist. to have certain knowledge of: I thought I saw him leaving, but I couldn't swear by it.
[13] swear in , to admit to office or service by administering an oath: A new president will be sworn in today.
[14] swear off , to promise or resolve to give up something, especially intoxicating beverages.
[15] swear out , to secure (a warrant for arrest) by making an accusation under oath.
[16] the past tense of swear
[17] to declare or affirm (a statement) as true, esp by invoking a deity, etc, as witness
[18] (foll by by) to invoke (a deity, etc) by name as a witness or guarantee to an oath to trust implicitly; have complete confidence (in)
[19] (intr often foll by at ) to curse, blaspheme, or use swearwords
[20] (when tr, may take a clause as object or an infinitive) to promise solemnly on oath; vow
[21] (tr) to assert or affirm with great emphasis or earnestness
[22] (intr) to give evidence or make any statement or solemn declaration on oath
[23] to take an oath in order to add force or solemnity to (a statement or declaration)
[24] swear blind informal to assert emphatically
[25] a period of swearing
Words related to Swore
assert, depose, vow, testify, affirm, cuss, curse, covenant, attest, avow, state, vouch, maintain, promise, plight, trust, warrant, imprecate, blaspheme, flame
Words nearby Swore
swordplay, swordsman, swordstick, swordswoman, swordtail, swore, sworn, swot, swotter, swotty, swound
Origin of Swore
earbefore 900; Middle English sweren, Old English swerian; cognate with German schwören, Old Norse sverja; akin to Gothic swaran to swear; see answer
Other words from Swore
swear·er , noun
swear·ing·ly , adverb
re·swear , verb, re·swore, re·sworn, re·swear·ing.
un·der·swear·er , noun
Word origin for Swore
earOld English swerian; related to Old Norse sverja, Gothic swaran, Old Frisian swera, German schwören
Synonyms for Swore
affirm, assert, depose, testify, vow, attest, avow, covenant, maintain, plight, promise, state, trust, vouch, warrant, cross one's heart, depend on, give one's word, give witness, have confidence in, make an affidavit, pledge oneself, rely on, say so, state under oath, swear by, swear to God, swear up and down, take an oath