11 Letter Words for Synchronize
9 Letter Words for Synchronize
incensory, synchrone
8 Letter Words for Synchronize
chinners, chinones, chorines, conyrine, corynine, hyoscine, incensor, oryzenin, shinnery
7 Letter Words for Synchronize
cerosin, chinner, chinone, chorine, chrysin, cierzos, coheirs, coiners, conines, conners, connies, conyrin, corinne, cornein, cornish, coshery, coziers, crinose, cronies, cronish, heroics, heroins, hosiery, inchers, inshore, nichers, noshery, onychin, orceins, orcines, oriency, recoins, richens, roynish, scherzo, sencion, seniory, sericon, shinner, shinney, snicher, snocher, sorchin, synchro, zechins, zircons, zorches
6 Letter Words for Synchronize
cenizo, censor, cheson, chines, chinny, chinos, chinse, chiros, chizes, choirs, choise, chorei, chores, chosen, cierzo, cizers, coheir, cohens, coiner, coneys, conine, conins, conner, connes, connie, conrey, coreys, cories, cornin, corsie, cosher, cosine, coyish, cozens, cozeys, cozier, cozies, crines, croise, crones, cronie, crosne, crozes, ennoic, enrich, erinys, henrys, heroic, heroin, herons, hieron, hieros, hinner, hinney, hizens, hoenir, honers, honeys, horsey, hosier, hyenic, hyzone, ichors, icones, incher, inches, inchon, incony, inners, inshoe, irones, nicher, niches, noires, nonces, norice, nosher, nosier, nosine, ochers, ochery, oncers, orcein, orchen, orchis, orcine, orcins, oscine, osiery, recoin, recons, renins, renish, resiny, reyson, rhenic, rhines, rhinos, rhones, rhynes, richen, riches, rincon, roches, rosiny, roynes, schizo, schizy, schnoz, schone, scorny, scrine, scryne, seizor, sencio, senhor, senior, shicer, shiner, shinne, shinny, shrine, sinner, sinzer, sireny, soneri, sozine, synroc, yonner, yonnie, yrnehs, zechin, zincos, zircon, zoners
5 Letter Words for Synchronize
cerin, ceros, cheir, chien, chine, chino, chins, chios, chiro, choir, chons, chore, chose, chron, cines, cions, cires, cohen, coins, coiny, coirs, coner, cones, conin, conne, conns, conny, consy, cores, corey, corni, corns, corny, corse, corsy, cosen, cosey, cosie, cosin, coyer, cozen, cozes, cozey, cozie, cries, criey, crine, crise, crois, crone, crony, crose, croze, ennoy, enoch, enorn, eosin, erics, erizo, escry, eshin, heirs, henny, henry, herns, heron, hiney, hinny, hiren, hires, hirse, hizen, hoers, hoise, honer, hones, honey, horns, horny, horse, hosen, hoser, hosey, hsien, hyens, hyrse, hyson, icers, iches, ichor, icons, incor, inner, inone, ireos, irone, irons, irony, necro, neons, nicer, niche, nihon, niner, nines, ninos, nizey, nohes, noire, noirs, noise, noisy, nonce, nones, nonic, norie, noris, norse, noser, noyes, ocher, oches, ochry, oenin, oncer, onces, oncin, oners, onery, orcin, ornes, ornis, oscin, osier, oyers, recon, reich, reins, renin, resin, rheic, rhein, rhies, rhine, rhino, rhone, rhyne, rices, ricey, riche, rinch, rines, rinse, risen, roche, roins, rones, ronin, ronne, roshi, rosin, royne, schiz, scion, scone, score, scorn, scrin, secno, senor, seric, serin, serio, seron, shice, shier, shine, shiny, shire, shone, shore, shyer, sicer, since, sinon, siren, siroc, sizer, snore, sonce, soncy, sonic, sonne, sonny, sozin, sycon, syren, yechs, yince, yonic, yonis, yores, yrneh, zeins, zeros, zinco, zincs, zincy, zines, zoner, zones, zonic, zorch, zoris
4 Letter Words for Synchronize
cens, cern, cero, chen, cher, chez, chin, chis, chiz, chon, choy, chry, cine, cion, cire, cize, coes, coin, coir, cone, coni, conn, cons, cony, core, corn, cors, cory, cose, cosh, coyn, coys, coze, cozy, cres, crin, cris, croh, croy, cyon, echo, econ, eiry, ency, eons, eric, erin, eris, erns, eros, ersh, heir, hens, hern, hero, hers, hery, heys, hics, hies, hine, hins, hire, hiro, hisn, hoer, hoes, hoey, hoin, hone, hons, hore, horn, hors, hory, hose, hoys, hrzn, hyen, hyes, hyne, icer, ices, icho, ichs, icon, inch, incr, inne, inns, inro, iocs, ions, ires, iron, nein, neon, nesh, nice, nies, nine, nizy, noes, noir, none, nore, nori, norn, nose, nosh, nosy, noys, nsec, nyes, oche, ochs, oeci, once, oner, ones, orch, orcs, ores, oyer, oyes, oyez, recs, rehs, rein, renn, reno, reny, rheo, rhos, rice, rich, ricy, ries, rine, rins, risc, rise, roch, rocs, roes, roey, roin, rone, rose, rosy, ryen, ryes, scho, scry, scye, sech, seco, secy, seir, seor, sero, sher, shin, shir, shoe, shor, shri, sice, sich, sien, sier, sine, sinh, sion, sire, size, sizy, snye, soce, soir, sone, sore, sori, sorn, sory, syce, syen, sync, syne, syre, ycie, yech, yeni, yens, yern, yeso, yezo, yins, yirn, yoni, yore, zein, zeno, zero, zhos, zinc, zine, zins, zion, zoic, zone, zori
3 Letter Words for Synchronize
cen, ceo, cer, che, chi, chn, cho, chs, cie, cir, cis, cns, con, cor, cos, coy, coz, cro, crs, cry, csi, ech, eco, ehs, eir, enc, ens, eon, eos, ern, ers, esc, esr, eyn, eyr, ezo, hei, hen, heo, her, hes, hey, hic, hie, hin, hir, his, hny, hoc, hoe, hoi, hon, hor, hos, hoy, hrs, hye, ice, ich, icy, ihs, inc, inn, ins, ion, ios, ire, irs, ise, ish, isn, iso, isz, iyo, nco, nei, neo, nie, nis, nne, noh, non, nor, nos, noy, nye, nys, och, oer, oes, ohs, oie, ois, one, oni, ons, ony, orc, ore, ors, ory, ose, osi, oye, oys, ozs, rec, reh, rei, res, rez, rhe, rho, rhy, rie, rin, rio, riz, roc, roe, roi, ron, ros, rye, sch, sci, scr, sec, sei, sen, ser, sey, sez, she, shi, sho, shr, shy, sic, sie, sin, sir, sny, soc, son, soy, sri, sye, syn, syr, yeh, yen, yeo, yer, yes, yin, yis, yoe, yoi, yon, yor, yos, yrs, zen, zer, zho, zin, zos
Definitions for Synchronize
[1] to cause to indicate the same time, as one timepiece with another: Synchronize your watches.
[2] to cause to go on, move, operate, work, etc., at the same rate and exactly together: They synchronized their steps and walked on together.
[3] Movies , Television . to cause (sound and action) to match precisely: to synchronize the sound of footsteps with the actor's movements. to match the sound and action in (a scene).
[4] to cause to agree in time of occurrence; assign to the same time or period, as in a history.
[5] to adjust the periodicities of (two or more electrical or mechanical devices) so that the periods are equal or integral multiples or fractions of each other.
[6] to occur at the same time or coincide or agree in time.
[7] to go on, move, operate, work, etc., at the same rate and exactly together; recur together.
[8] (when intr, usually foll by with ) to occur or recur or cause to occur or recur at the same time or in unison
[9] to indicate or cause to indicate the same time synchronize your watches
[10] to download files, esp music or video files, from a PC to a portable device such as an iPod, or to upload files from the device to a PC
[11] (tr) films to establish (the picture and soundtrack records) in their correct relative position
[12] (tr) to designate (events) as simultaneous
Words related to Synchronize
integrate, harmonize, mesh, adjust, organize, proportion, set, pool, agree, match
Words nearby Synchronize
synchronic, synchronic study, synchronicity, synchronism, synchronistic, synchronize, synchronized shifting, synchronized skating, synchronized swimming, synchronoscope, synchronous
Origin of Synchronize
1615–25; < Greek synchronízein to be contemporary with, equivalent to sýnchron(os ) synchronous + -izein -ize
Other words from Synchronize
syn·chro·ni·za·tion , noun
syn·chro·niz·er , noun
de·syn·chro·ni·za·tion , noun
de·syn·chro·nize , verb (used with object), de·syn·chro·nized, de·syn·chro·niz·ing.
un·syn·chro·nized , adjective
Synonyms for Synchronize
adjust, harmonize, integrate, mesh, agree, match, organize, pool, proportion, set, atune, keep time with, pull together, put in sync