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Showing words for SYNTHESIZE using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Synthesize


8 Letter Words for Synthesize


7 Letter Words for Synthesize

ethnize, ethynes, hessite, neshest, seitens, sensize, sestine, sithens, sneesty, syenite, teenish, theines, thissen, tinseys, zeniths

6 Letter Words for Synthesize

enties, ethine, ethize, ethyne, eyeish, heists, hizens, insets, nessie, seines, seiten, seizes, sensei, seyens, sheens, sheeny, sheets, sheety, shiest, shines, shinty, shyest, sients, sieths, sisten, sithen, sithes, sneesh, sneest, sneezy, snithe, snithy, steens, steins, sthene, synths, sythes, tenses, tessin, theine, theins, theses, thesis, thyine, thysen, tinsey, yenite, yentes, yshent, zenith

5 Letter Words for Synthesize

enets, ensis, entsi, entsy, eshin, esnes, essen, etens, eyess, heezy, heist, heize, hents, hests, hetes, hiney, hints, hissy, hists, hizen, hsien, hyens, ineye, insee, inset, ishes, neist, nests, nesty, netes, nisse, nizey, seine, seise, seity, seize, senit, sense, sente, senti, sents, sesey, sesti, seyen, sheen, sheet, shent, shets, shies, shine, shins, shiny, shisn, shist, shits, siens, sient, siest, sieth, sines, sinhs, sites, sithe, sizes, snees, snies, snite, snits, snitz, snyes, steen, stein, stens, sties, stine, syens, synes, synth, sysin, sythe, teens, teeny, teise, tenes, tenez, tense, thees, thein, thens, these, thine, thins, thisn, tiens, tines, tinsy, tsine, tyees, tynes, yente, yeses, yests, yetis, yinst, yites, zeins, zeiss, zeist, zests, zesty, zines

4 Letter Words for Synthesize

eine, enes, ense, eses, esne, esse, ests, eten, ethe, eths, eyen, eyes, eyne, hens, hent, hest, hete, hets, heys, hies, hine, hins, hint, hisn, hiss, hist, hits, hyen, hyes, hyne, hyte, inst, isnt, isth, itsy, neet, nese, nesh, ness, nest, nete, neth, neti, nets, nies, nist, nits, nizy, nyes, nyet, seen, sees, seis, seit, sene, sens, sent, sese, seth, sets, seys, shee, shes, shet, shin, shit, sien, sine, sinh, sins, sise, sish, sist, site, sith, sits, sitz, size, sizy, snee, snit, snye, sten, stey, stie, syen, syes, syne, syst, teen, tees, tene, tens, thee, then, they, thin, this, tien, ties, tine, tins, tiny, tshi, tyee, tyes, tyin, tyne, yees, yeni, yens, yese, yest, yeth, yeti, yins, yite, zees, zein, zest, zine, zins, zite, zits

3 Letter Words for Synthesize

een, ehs, ene, ens, ese, ess, est, eth, ety, eye, eyn, hee, hei, hen, hes, het, hey, hie, hin, his, hit, hny, hts, hye, ihs, ins, int, ise, ish, isn, ist, isz, its, nee, nei, net, nie, nis, nit, nth, nye, nys, see, sei, sen, set, sey, sez, she, shi, sht, shy, sie, sin, sis, sit, sny, sse, ssh, sty, sye, syn, tee, ten, tes, tez, the, thy, tie, tin, tis, tsh, tsi, tss, tye, yee, yeh, yen, yes, yet, yin, yis, zee, zen, zin, zit

Definitions for Synthesize

[1] to form (a material or abstract entity) by combining parts or elements (opposed to analyze): to synthesize a statement.
[2] Chemistry . to combine (constituent elements) into a single or unified entity.
[3] to treat synthetically.
[4] to make or form a synthesis.
[5] to combine or cause to combine into a whole
[6] (tr) to produce by synthesis

Words related to Synthesize

incorporate, manufacture, unify, amalgamate, harmonize, integrate, orchestrate, blend, arrange, symphonize

Words nearby Synthesize

synth, synth-pop, synthase, synthesis, synthesis gas, synthesize, synthesizer, synthespian, synthetase, synthetic, synthetic biology

Origin of Synthesize

First recorded in 1820–30; synthes(is) + -ize

Other words from Synthesize

syn·the·si·za·tion , noun
non·syn·the·sized , adjective
re·syn·the·size , verb (used with object), re·syn·the·sized, re·syn·the·siz·ing.
un·syn·the·sized , adjective
synthesize verb

Synonyms for Synthesize

incorporate, amalgamate, arrange, blend, harmonize, integrate, manufacture, orchestrate, symphonize, unify