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Showing words for SYSTEMIC using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Systemic
7 Letter Words for Systemic
6 Letter Words for Systemic
5 Letter Words for Systemic
4 Letter Words for Systemic
3 Letter Words for Systemic
Definitions for Systemic
[1] of or relating to a system.
[2] Physiology , Pathology . pertaining to or affecting the body as a whole. pertaining to or affecting a particular body system.
[3] (of a pesticide) absorbed and circulated by a plant or other organism so as to be lethal to pests that feed on it.
[4] another word for systematic (def. 1), systematic (def. 2)
[5] physiol (of a poison, disease, etc) affecting the entire body
[6] (of a pesticide, fungicide, etc) spreading through all the parts of a plant and making it toxic to pests or parasites without destroying it
[7] a systemic pesticide, fungicide, etc
Words related to Systemic
integral, fundamental, intrinsic, essential, innate, requisite, congenital, elemental, inseparable, ingrained, inherent
Words nearby Systemic
systematism, systematist, systematize, systematized delusion, systematology, systemic, systemic anaphylaxis, systemic availability, systemic circulation, systemic grammar, systemic linguistics
Origin of Systemic
First recorded in 1795–1805; system + -ic
Words that may be confused with Systemic
Other words from Systemic
sys·tem·i·cal·ly , adverb
non·sys·tem·ic , adjective
Synonyms for Systemic
fundamental, integral, intrinsic, essential, innate, congenital, elemental, ingrained, inherent, inseparable, requisite