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Showing words for TACHYPHYLAXIS using the English dictionary

13 Letter Words for Tachyphylaxis


9 Letter Words for Tachyphylaxis

asphaltic, asphyxial, halachist, staphylic

8 Letter Words for Tachyphylaxis

aplastic, apsychia, asphyxia, atypical, calipash, capitals, chaityas, chapatis, haptical, hypaxial, ichthyal, pashalic, patchily, phthalic, phylaxis, physalia, physical, playacts, salacity, splatchy

7 Letter Words for Tachyphylaxis

achylia, acystia, aliyahs, apathic, aphasic, aphthic, apicals, apishly, aplysia, asphalt, asphyxy, ataxics, calathi, caliphs, calthas, capital, casalty, chaitya, chalahs, chapati, chitals, clayish, cyathia, haptics, hastily, hiphalt, ichthys, lapiths, layship, palatic, paschal, pastily, pathics, phtalic, pisacha, pitayas, placita, placits, plastic, playact, psychal, pythias, shachly, sixthly, spacial, spathal, spathic, spatial, splatch, sylphic, talisay, taplash, tayalic, thapsia, thlaspi, typical

6 Letter Words for Tachyphylaxis

actias, aliyah, alphas, alpist, altaic, apalit, apathy, aphtha, apical, ashily, ashpit, ataxic, atypic, aythya, cahita, calais, calash, caliph, calpas, caltha, capias, capita, casita, cathay, catlap, chahta, chalah, chalta, chapah, chasty, chayas, chital, citals, claith, clashy, claspt, cyathi, cystal, hachis, haiths, haptic, haycap, hiatal, hilsah, hitchy, hpital, hyahya, hyalts, hylist, hyphal, lachsa, laichs, lathis, latish, laxist, laxity, lichts, pachas, palach, palaic, palais, palays, palish, pascal, pascha, pastil, patchy, pathic, phalsa, phasic, phatic, phials, phylic, physic, phytic, phytyl, pisaca, pitaya, pitchy, placit, plaits, plashy, platch, platic, platys, playas, plitch, ptyxis, pythia, scaith, scapha, scathy, sciath, scypha, scyphi, shtchi, siphac, slatch, slicht, slitch, slithy, spalax, spatha, spical, spilth, spital, sylphy, tahali, tahsil, taisch, talpas, tascal, thalia, ticals, tilpah, typhia, typhic, typica, yachts, yachty, yplast

5 Letter Words for Tachyphylaxis

acast, aclys, acyls, aitch, alaps, alays, alias, alish, alisp, alist, ality, alpax, alpha, apast, apays, aphis, apish, aptly, aspca, aspic, astay, asyla, ataps, ataxy, atlas, atypy, axial, axils, ayahs, calpa, calps, calyx, capas, capax, caphs, capsa, casal, casha, cathy, chais, chait, chals, chaps, chati, chats, chaya, chays, chias, chips, chits, cista, cital, claps, clapt, clash, clasp, clast, clats, clays, clips, clits, cyath, cylix, hacht, hahas, hails, haily, haith, halas, halch, halts, hapax, haply, hasht, hashy, hasta, hasty, hatch, hathi, hayti, hicht, hilch, hilsa, hilts, hiply, hitch, hiyas, hylas, hylic, hypha, ichth, ictal, isaac, islay, italy, itchy, lacis, laich, laics, laith, laity, lapis, lapsi, lasty, latah, latch, lathi, laths, lathy, layia, lhasa, licht, listy, litas, litch, liths, lithy, lytic, pacas, pacay, pacha, pacta, pacts, pails, paisa, palas, palay, palch, palis, palsy, palta, pasch, pasha, pasta, pasty, patas, patch, paths, pathy, patia, patly, patsy, phial, phish, phyla, physa, piala, pical, picas, pilch, pisay, pitas, pitch, piths, pithy, pixys, plait, plash, plast, plats, platy, playa, plays, plias, plica, psych, ptyas, pyats, pylic, pyxis, saily, saith, salai, salat, salay, salic, salix, salpa, salta, salty, sapit, satai, satay, scail, scala, scalp, scalt, scalx, scaly, scapa, scapi, scath, sclat, shahi, shalt, shaly, shapy, shaya, shchi, shiah, shily, shipt, shita, shyly, sicht, silty, sitch, sixth, sixty, slait, slath, slaty, slich, slipt, spahi, spail, spait, spalt, spath, spial, spica, spicy, splat, splay, split, spyal, staia, stail, staph, stchi, stich, stipa, styca, styli, sylph, tachi, tachs, tahas, tahil, taich, tails, taily, taish, talas, talcs, talcy, talis, talpa, tapas, tapia, tapis, taxis, tchai, thala, tical, tichy, tipsy, typal, typha, typic, xylic, xysti, yacal, yacht, yalta, yaply

4 Letter Words for Tachyphylaxis

aahs, aals, achy, acpt, acta, acth, acts, acyl, ahas, ahhs, aias, ails, aith, aits, alai, alap, alas, alay, alca, alia, alps, alts, apay, apia, apis, apts, asap, asci, ashy, asia, aspy, asta, atap, atip, atis, atli, axal, axil, axis, ayah, calp, cals, calx, capa, caph, capi, caps, capt, casa, cash, cast, cath, cats, cays, chaa, chai, chal, chap, chas, chat, chay, chia, chih, chil, chip, chis, chit, cist, cits, city, clap, clat, clay, clip, clit, cyst, haha, hail, hait, hala, halp, hals, halt, haps, hash, hasp, hast, hath, hats, haya, hays, hics, hila, hilt, hips, hipt, hish, hist, hits, hiya, hyla, hyli, hyps, hypt, ichs, ilth, isth, ital, itas, itch, itsy, laas, lacs, lacy, lahs, laic, lait, laps, lasa, lash, last, lata, lath, lati, lats, lays, lias, lich, lipa, lips, lish, lisp, list, lith, lits, lych, paal, paas, paca, pacs, pact, pacy, paha, pahi, pahs, pail, pais, pala, pali, pals, palt, paly, pash, pasi, past, pata, path, pats, paty, pays, payt, phat, phil, phis, phit, phys, pial, pias, pica, pich, pics, pict, pila, pily, pisa, pish, pist, pita, pith, pits, pity, plat, play, plia, psha, psia, ptah, pyal, pyas, pyat, pyic, pyla, sahh, saic, sail, saip, sala, salp, salt, sapa, sata, sati, saya, scap, scat, scil, scyt, shah, shap, shay, shia, shih, ship, shit, shpt, sial, sich, sila, silt, sita, sith, slap, slat, slay, slip, slit, spat, spay, spic, spit, stap, stay, styx, syli, syph, taal, tach, taha, tail, tais, tala, talc, tali, tapa, taps, tash, taxa, taxi, taxy, tays, thai, this, tich, tics, tils, tips, tshi, tsia, typy, xctl, xyla, xyst, yahi, yahs, yali, yapa, yaps, yati, yaya, yays, yilt, yips

3 Letter Words for Tachyphylaxis

aah, aal, aas, ach, act, acy, aha, ahh, ahi, ahs, aia, ail, ais, ait, aix, ala, alc, alp, als, alt, aly, apa, apc, aph, apl, apt, apx, ash, asl, asp, ast, atp, ays, cai, cal, cap, cat, cay, cha, chi, chs, cia, cis, cit, cli, cly, cpa, cpi, cpl, cps, cpt, csi, csp, cst, cts, cyl, cyp, hap, has, hat, hay, hcl, hia, hic, hip, his, hit, hts, hyp, iaa, ich, icy, ihp, ihs, iph, ipl, ips, ish, isl, ist, ita, its, laa, lac, lah, lai, lap, las, lat, lax, lay, lca, lip, lis, lit, lsc, lst, lyc, lys, pac, pah, pal, pas, pat, pax, pay, pci, pct, phi, pht, pia, pic, pil, pis, pit, pix, pli, ply, psi, pst, pta, pts, pty, pya, pyx, saa, sac, sah, sai, sal, sap, sat, sax, say, sch, sci, sct, sha, shh, shi, shp, sht, shy, sic, sil, sip, sit, six, sla, slt, sly, spa, spl, spt, spy, sta, sty, syl, taa, tai, tal, tap, tas, tax, tay, tch, tcp, tha, thy, tic, til, tip, tis, tlc, tph, tpi, tps, tsh, tsi, tsp, typ, xat, xcl, xis, yah, yap, yas, yat, yay, yip, yis

Definitions for Tachyphylaxis

[1] Medicine/Medical . immediate, temporary immunization against the effects of injection of a toxic extract owing to previous small injections of the same extract.
[2] a decreased response to a medicine given over a period of time so that larger doses are required to produce the same response.
[3] very rapid development of tolerance or immunity to the effects of a drug

Words nearby Tachyphylaxis

tachylyte, tachymeter, tachymetry, tachyon, tachyphagia, tachyphylaxis, tachypnea, tachypnoea, tachyrhythmia, tachysterol, tachytelic

Origin of Tachyphylaxis

tachy- + Greek phýlaxis a guarding, equivalent to phylak- (stem of phylássein to guard) + -sis -sis

Other words from Tachyphylaxis

tach·y·phy·lac·tic [tak-uh -fi-lak -tik] /ˌtæk ə fɪˈlæk tɪk/ , adjective

Word origin for Tachyphylaxis

New Latin, from tachy- + phylaxis on the model of prophylaxis. See prophylactic