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Showing words for TACIT using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Tacit
4 Letter Words for Tacit
3 Letter Words for Tacit
Definitions for Tacit
[1] understood without being openly expressed; implied: tacit approval.
[2] silent; saying nothing: a tacit partner.
[3] unvoiced or unspoken: a tacit prayer.
[4] implied or inferred without direct expression; understood a tacit agreement
[5] created or having effect by operation of law, rather than by being directly expressed
Words related to Tacit
unspoken, indirect, implied, implicit, assumed, inarticulate, silent, suggested, understood, unexpressed, unsaid, allusive, inferred, undeclared, unvoiced, intimated, unstated, wordless
Words nearby Tacit
tachypnea, tachypnoea, tachyrhythmia, tachysterol, tachytelic, tacit, tacitean, taciturn, taciturnity, tacitus, tack
Origin of Tacit
1595–1605; < Latin tacitus silent, past participle of tacēre to be silent (cognate with Gothic thahan; akin to Old Norse thegja )
Other words from Tacit
tac·it·ly , adverb
tac·it·ness , noun
Word origin for Tacit
C17: from Latin tacitus, past participle of tacēre to be silent
Synonyms for Tacit
implicit, implied, indirect, unspoken, alluded to, allusive, assumed, hinted at, inarticulate, inferred, intimated, silent, suggested, undeclared, understood, unexpressed, unsaid, unstated, unvoiced, wordless