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Showing words for TACTION using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Taction
6 Letter Words for Taction
5 Letter Words for Taction
4 Letter Words for Taction
3 Letter Words for Taction
Definitions for Taction
[1] touch; contact.
[2] obsolete the act of touching; contact
Words related to Taction
taste, feeling, contact, communication, touch, connection, relation, impression, atmosphere, mood, aura, sense, ambience, quality, lick, tap, feel, scratch, collision, stroke
Words nearby Taction
tactile fremitus, tactile hair, tactile image, tactile meniscus, tactile papilla, taction, tactless, tactometer, tactoreceptor, tactual, tactus
Origin of Taction
1615–25; < Latin tāctiōn- (stem of tāctiō ) a touching, equivalent to tāct(us ) (past participle of tangere to touch) + -iōn- -ion
Word origin for Taction
C17: from Latin tactiō a touching, from tangere to touch
Synonyms for Taction
communication, contact, feeling, taste, blow, brush, caress, collision, contingence, crash, cuddling, embrace, feel, fondling, graze, grope, handling, hit, hug, impact, junction, kiss, lick, manipulation, nudge, palpation, pat, peck, perception, percussion, petting, push, rub, rubbing, scratch, shock, stroke, stroking, tactility, tap, touching