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Showing words for TALLOW using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Tallow


5 Letter Words for Tallow

allot, allow, atoll

4 Letter Words for Tallow

allo, alow, alto, atwo, lalo, lota, lowa, lowt, olla, owlt, tall, tola, toll, twal, wall, walt

3 Letter Words for Tallow

all, alo, alt, alw, awl, lao, lat, law, loa, lot, low, lwl, oat, ola, owl, owt, tal, tao, taw, tlo, toa, tol, tow, twa, two, wat, woa, wot

Definitions for Tallow

[1] the fatty tissue or suet of animals.
[2] the harder fat of sheep, cattle, etc., separated by melting from the fibrous and membranous matter naturally mixed with it, and used to make candles, soap, etc.
[3] any of various similar fatty substances: vegetable tallow.
[4] to smear with tallow.
[5] a fatty substance consisting of a mixture of glycerides, including stearic, palmitic, and oleic acids and extracted chiefly from the suet of sheep and cattle: used for making soap, candles, food, etc
[6] (tr) to cover or smear with tallow

Words related to Tallow

smear, wax, suet

Words nearby Tallow

tallish, tallit, tallith, tallith katan, tallmadge, tallow, tallow tree, tallow wood, tallowy, tallulah, tally

Origin of Tallow

1300–50; Middle English talow, talgh; cognate with German Talg

Other words from Tallow

un·tal·lowed , adjective

Word origin for Tallow

Old English tælg, a dye; related to Middle Low German talch tallow, Dutch talk, Icelandic tólg

Synonyms for Tallow

smear, suet, wax