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Showing words for TALLOW using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Tallow
5 Letter Words for Tallow
4 Letter Words for Tallow
3 Letter Words for Tallow
Definitions for Tallow
[1] the fatty tissue or suet of animals.
[2] the harder fat of sheep, cattle, etc., separated by melting from the fibrous and membranous matter naturally mixed with it, and used to make candles, soap, etc.
[3] any of various similar fatty substances: vegetable tallow.
[4] to smear with tallow.
[5] a fatty substance consisting of a mixture of glycerides, including stearic, palmitic, and oleic acids and extracted chiefly from the suet of sheep and cattle: used for making soap, candles, food, etc
[6] (tr) to cover or smear with tallow
Words related to Tallow
Words nearby Tallow
tallish, tallit, tallith, tallith katan, tallmadge, tallow, tallow tree, tallow wood, tallowy, tallulah, tally
Origin of Tallow
1300–50; Middle English talow, talgh; cognate with German Talg
Other words from Tallow
un·tal·lowed , adjective
Word origin for Tallow
Old English tælg, a dye; related to Middle Low German talch tallow, Dutch talk, Icelandic tólg