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Showing words for TARNISH using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Tarnish

tarnish, trishna

6 Letter Words for Tarnish

airths, arshin, haints, hairst, hartin, instar, ishtar, santir, shairn, shanti, snaith, strain, tarish, thrain, trains, trisha

5 Letter Words for Tarnish

ahint, airns, airth, airts, antis, arish, arist, arith, ashir, astir, hains, haint, hairs, hants, harns, harst, harts, hasnt, hiant, hints, hirst, hsian, instr, intra, naish, naris, rains, raits, rants, raths, riant, saint, saith, sanit, sarin, satin, shant, sharn, shina, shirt, shita, sitar, snath, snirt, stain, stair, starn, stria, tahin, tahrs, tains, tairn, taish, tanhs, tarin, tarns, tarsi, thans, thars, thins, thisn, tiars, tisar, train, trans, trash, trias, trina, trins

4 Letter Words for Tarnish

ains, aint, airn, airs, airt, aith, aits, anis, ansi, anti, ants, aris, arni, arts, asin, astr, atis, hain, hair, hait, hani, hans, hant, harn, hart, hasn, hast, hats, hins, hint, hisn, hist, hits, inst, inta, intr, iran, isnt, isth, itas, nais, nash, nasi, nast, natr, nats, nist, nits, rahs, rain, rais, rait, rant, rash, rast, rath, rats, rias, rins, rist, rita, rits, sain, sair, sant, sari, sart, sati, shan, shia, shin, shir, shit, shri, sian, sina, sinh, sita, sith, snar, snit, star, stir, stra, tahr, tain, tais, tanh, tans, tari, tarn, tars, tash, thai, than, thar, thin, thir, this, tiar, tins, trah, trin, trna, tshi, tsia

3 Letter Words for Tarnish

ahi, ahs, ain, air, ais, ait, ans, ant, arn, ars, art, ash, ast, han, has, hat, hia, hin, hir, his, hit, hrs, hts, ihs, ins, int, ira, irs, ish, isn, ist, ita, its, nah, nar, nas, nat, nis, nit, nth, rah, rai, ran, ras, rat, rha, ria, rin, rit, rna, rti, sah, sai, san, sar, sat, sha, shi, shr, sht, sin, sir, sit, sri, sta, str, tai, tan, tar, tas, tha, tin, tis, tra, tri, trs, tsh, tsi

Definitions for Tarnish

[1] to dull the luster of (a metallic surface), especially by oxidation; discolor.
[2] to diminish or destroy the purity of; stain; sully: The scandal tarnished his reputation.
[3] to grow dull or discolored; lose luster.
[4] to become sullied.
[5] a tarnished coating.
[6] tarnished condition; discoloration; alteration of the luster of a metal.
[7] a stain or blemish.
[8] to lose or cause to lose the shine, esp by exposure to air or moisture resulting in surface oxidation; discolour silver tarnishes quickly
[9] to stain or become stained; taint or spoil a fraud that tarnished his reputation
[10] a tarnished condition, surface, or film

Words related to Tarnish

sully, dim, harm, mar, pollute, smear, muddy, damage, defame, taint, impair, spoil, embarrass, stain, hurt, dull, tar, defile, befoul, blot

Words nearby Tarnish

tarn, tarn-et-garonne, tarnal, tarnation, tarne, tarnish, tarnished plant bug, tarnopol, tarnów, taro, tarok

Origin of Tarnish

1590–1600; < Middle French terniss-, long stem of ternir to dull, deaden, derivative of terne dull, wan < Germanic; compare Old High German tarni, cognate with Old Saxon derni, Old English dierne hidden, obscure; see -ish2

Other words from Tarnish

tar·nish·a·ble , adjective
an·ti·tar·nish , adjective
an·ti·tar·nish·ing , adjective
non·tar·nish·a·ble , adjective
non·tar·nished , adjective
non·tar·nish·ing , adjective
un·tar·nish·a·ble , adjective
un·tar·nished , adjective
un·tar·nish·ing , adjective

Word origin for Tarnish

C16: from Old French ternir to make dull, from terne lustreless, of Germanic origin; related to Old High German tarnen to conceal, Old English dierne hidden

Synonyms for Tarnish

damage, defame, dim, dull, embarrass, harm, hurt, impair, mar, muddy, pollute, smear, spoil, stain, sully, taint, tar, befoul, begrime, blacken, blemish, blot, contaminate, darken, defile, discolor, disgrace, grime, injure, pale, rust, slander, smudge, soil, spot, vitiate, lose luster, lose shine