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Showing words for TEACH using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Teach

cheat, tache, teach, theca

4 Letter Words for Teach

ache, acth, cate, cath, chat, each, eath, echt, etch, haec, hate, heat, tace, tach, tche, teca, tech, thae, thea

3 Letter Words for Teach

ace, ach, act, ate, cat, cha, che, cte, eat, ech, ect, eta, etc, eth, hae, hat, het, tch, tea, tec, tha, the

Definitions for Teach

[1] to impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in: She teaches mathematics.
[2] to impart knowledge or skill to; give instruction to: He teaches a large class.
[3] to impart knowledge or skill; give instruction.
[4] Informal . teacher.
[5] Edward Blackbeard , died 1718, English pirate and privateer in the Americas.
[6] (tr; may take a clause as object or an infinitive often foll by how ) to help to learn; tell or show (how) to teach someone to paint ; to teach someone how to paint
[7] to give instruction or lessons in (a subject) to (a person or animal) to teach French ; to teach children ; she teaches
[8] (tr; may take a clause as object or an infinitive) to cause to learn or understand experience taught him that he could not be a journalist
[9] Also: teach someone a lesson informal to cause (someone) to suffer the unpleasant consequences of some action or behaviour
[10] Edward, known as Blackbeard. died 1718, English pirate, active in the West Indies and on the Atlantic coast of North America

Words related to Teach

coach, develop, prepare, show, explain, direct, tutor, instruct, train, demonstrate, lecture, advise, edify, ground, inculcate, illustrate, discipline, fit, inform, brief

Words nearby Teach

teaberry, teabread, teac, teacake, teacart, teach, teach a lesson, teach an old dog new tricks, teach-in, teachable, teachable moment

Origin of Teach

before 900; Middle English techen, Old English tǣcan; akin to token

Words that may be confused with Teach

learn, teach

Other words from Teach

o·ver·teach , verb, o·ver·taught, o·ver·teach·ing.
pre·teach , verb, pre·taught, pre·teach·ing.
re·teach , verb, re·taught, re·teach·ing.
un·der·teach , verb, un·der·taught, un·der·teach·ing.

Word origin for Teach

Old English tǣcan; related to tācen token , Old Frisian tēken, Old Saxon tēkan, Old High German zeihhan, Old Norse teikn sign

Synonyms for Teach

advise, coach, demonstrate, develop, direct, explain, instruct, lecture, prepare, show, train, tutor, brainwash, brief, catechize, communicate, cram, discipline, drill, edify, enlighten, exercise, expound, fit, form, ground, guide, illustrate, imbue, impart, implant, inculcate, indoctrinate, inform, initiate, interpret, nurture, profess, rear, school, sharpen, break in, give instruction, give lessons, give the facts, improve mind, open eyes, polish up, pound into, show the ropes