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Showing words for TEACHER using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Teacher
6 Letter Words for Teacher
5 Letter Words for Teacher
4 Letter Words for Teacher
3 Letter Words for Teacher
Definitions for Teacher
[1] a person who teaches or instructs, especially as a profession; instructor.
[2] a person whose occupation is teaching others, esp children
[3] a personified concept that teaches nature is a good teacher
Words related to Teacher
lecturer, supervisor, scholar, assistant, professor, tutor, coach, educator, instructor, schoolteacher, trainer, adviser, preceptor, pundit, mentor, pedagogue, teach, disciplinarian, guide, abecedary
Words nearby Teacher
teach a lesson, teach an old dog new tricks, teach-in, teachable, teachable moment, teacher, teacher bird, teacher's pet, teacherage, teacherly, teachers college
Origin of Teacher
First recorded in 1250–1300, teacher is from the Middle English word techer. See teach, -er1
Other words from Teacher
teach·er·less , adjective
teach·er·ship , noun
non·teach·er , noun
self-teach·er , noun
un·der·teach·er , noun
Synonyms for Teacher
assistant, coach, educator, faculty member, instructor, lecturer, professor, scholar, schoolteacher, supervisor, tutor, adviser, disciplinarian, guide, mentor, pedagogue, preceptor, pundit, teach, trainer, abecedary