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Showing words for TEAM using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Team
3 Letter Words for Team
Definitions for Team
[1] a number of persons forming one of the sides in a game or contest: a football team.
[2] a number of persons associated in some joint action: a team of advisers.
[3] two or more horses, oxen, or other animals harnessed together to draw a vehicle, plow, or the like.
[4] one or more draft animals together with the harness and vehicle drawn.
[5] a family of young animals, especially ducks or pigs.
[6] Obsolete . offspring or progeny; lineage or stock.
[7] to join together in a team.
[8] Chiefly Northern U.S. Older Use . to convey or transport by means of a team; haul.
[9] to drive a team.
[10] to gather or join in a team, a band, or a cooperative effort (usually followed by up, together, etc.).
[11] of, relating to, or performed by a team: a team sport; team effort.
[12] a group of people organized to work together
[13] a group of players forming one of the sides in a sporting contest
[14] two or more animals working together to pull a vehicle or agricultural implement
[15] such animals and the vehicle the coachman riding his team
[16] dialect a flock, herd, or brood
[17] obsolete ancestry
[18] (when intr, often foll by up ) to make or cause to make a team he teamed George with Robert
[19] (tr) US and Canadian to drag or transport in or by a team
[20] (intr) US and Canadian to drive a team
Words related to Team
club, company, squad, party, organization, lineup, side, unit, trio, set, gang, rig, bunch, span, duo, stable, troop, body, contingent, faction
Words nearby Team
teak, teakettle, teakwood, teal, teale's amputation, team, team foul, team handball, team player, team spirit, team up with
Origin of Team
before 900; Middle English teme (noun), Old English tēam child-bearing, brood, offspring, set of draft beasts; cognate with Dutch toom bridle, reins, German Zaum, Old Norse taumr
Other words from Team
in·ter·team , adjective
un·der·teamed , adjective
un·teamed , adjective
Word origin for Team
Old English team offspring; related to Old Frisian tām bridle, Old Norse taumr chain yoking animals together, Old High German zoum bridle
Synonyms for Team
club, company, lineup, organization, party, side, squad, unit, aggregation, band, body, bunch, contingent, duo, faction, foursome, gang, outfit, pair, partners, rig, sect, set, span, stable, string, tandem, trio, troop, troupe, workers, yoke