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Showing words for TELEGRAPHONE using the English dictionary
12 Letter Words for Telegraphone
10 Letter Words for Telegraphone
lagerphone, perhalogen, telephoner, telpherage
9 Letter Words for Telegraphone
elaeopten, eleganter, gantelope, heterogen, parentele, pathogene, petrogale, petrolage, petrolean, petrolene, phenetole, phenolate, pothanger, prelegate, prolegate, rantepole, rephonate, telegraph, telephone
8 Letter Words for Telegraphone
aerogene, aethogen, anethole, anophele, antelope, argentol, earphone, eglatere, elegante, elephant, elongate, ephorate, ethereal, etherean, gantlope, generale, generate, gerontal, goethean, grapelet, greenlet, hapteron, helotage, heptagon, heretoga, lateener, latheron, leathern, lengther, neolater, operatee, orphange, pathogen, penetral, peronate, peroneal, petronel, phenegol, phenetol, plethora, plethron, potagere, protegee, regelate, regental, relegate, renegate, teenager, threapen, traphole, trephone
7 Letter Words for Telegraphone
aerogen, alength, alphorn, alterne, althorn, anethol, angelet, angelot, another, anthrol, anthrop, areolet, argenol, argolet, atelene, athenee, athenor, athogen, athrong, earhole, earthen, eleanor, elegant, enheart, enlarge, enolate, enteral, entheal, epergne, eperlan, ephoral, erelong, erogate, etagere, eternal, ethanol, ethenol, etherol, ethrane, general, genetor, genteel, gentler, gleaner, gloater, grantee, grapnel, greaten, greenth, hagrope, halogen, haltere, haplont, haptene, haptere, hearten, heeltap, heptane, heptene, holgate, hoptree, hornlet, langret, leather, legatee, legator, leghorn, legrete, legrope, lepanto, leptene, leptera, lethean, loather, longear, naether, naphtol, negater, negator, nephele, nepotal, onerate, operant, operate, orphean, paleron, paneler, panther, pantler, parolee, patener, patrole, pearlet, pearten, peerage, peletre, peonage, peregal, pergola, petalon, petrale, petrean, phaeton, phenate, phonate, phorate, phrenol, plangor, planter, pleater, polenta, pontage, portage, potager, potheen, preheal, preheat, prelate, preloan, prenote, preteen, pretone, prolate, pronate, protean, protege, ptereal, rathole, reagent, rentage, repanel, replane, replant, replate, repleat, replete, rheotan, tangelo, tangler, taphole, tarheel, teenage, teheran, teleran, telopea, telpher, teneral, tengere, terpane, terpene, thenage, thereon, thronal, traheen, trangle, trepang, tronage, trophal
6 Letter Words for Telegraphone
aether, aethon, agrope, agrote, aleger, alenge, alepot, alpeen, altern, angler, anhele, anorth, anther, anthol, antler, apelet, apogee, areole, argent, arghel, arpent, arthel, athene, atoner, atopen, eaglet, earlet, eelpot, egeran, elanet, elaphe, elater, elator, elenge, eloper, elrage, engaol, enghle, engore, enhalo, enhort, enrage, enrapt, entera, entrap, entree, entrep, eothen, epenla, ephete, eponge, ergate, erlang, erthen, etagre, etalon, eterne, ethane, ethene, ethnal, ethnog, ethnol, ethrog, galere, galore, gareth, garnel, garnet, garten, gather, geerah, gelant, gelate, gelato, geneal, genear, geneat, genera, gentle, gerate, gerent, geront, gether, gherao, gnatho, goalee, goaler, goatee, goethe, gopher, gorhen, granet, graple, greete, grelot, grenat, groten, hageen, haglet, halper, halter, hangee, hanger, hangle, hantle, hapten, haptor, harlot, harten, hatpeg, healer, heaper, heaten, heater, heeler, helena, helper, henter, heptal, hereat, hereon, hereto, herola, herpet, hetero, hogpen, holpen, hornet, lahore, lanete, langer, largen, larget, lateen, lathee, lathen, lather, latron, leaner, leaper, leegte, legate, legato, lenger, length, lentor, lepage, lepero, lepton, lethee, loaner, loange, loathe, longee, longer, lontar, lorate, nather, neater, neeger, negate, nepeta, nepote, nergal, nether, norate, nothal, nother, oleate, onager, onethe, opelet, opener, operae, operla, orange, orante, orgeat, orlage, orlean, ornate, orphan, orthal, paegel, paegle, paleog, paleon, palter, panter, pantle, parent, parget, parnel, parole, parten, parton, pathol, patrol, patron, peahen, pealer, peeler, peenge, peglet, pelage, pelean, peleng, pelota, peltae, pelter, pentel, pentol, pereon, pernea, pernel, perone, perten, pether, petrel, petrog, petrol, pheeal, pheere, phenol, phonal, phoner, phonet, photal, planer, planet, platen, plater, plonge, pltano, pongee, pontal, pontee, portal, potage, poteen, pother, potleg, preage, pretan, prlate, progne, prolan, proleg, protea, pterna, pteron, raglet, ragtop, rangle, rateen, reenge, reetle, regale, regalo, regent, reglet, regnal, rehale, rehang, reheal, reheap, reheat, reheel, rehete, rehone, relate, releap, relent, reloan, relong, renate, renege, rental, rentee, reopen, repage, repale, repeal, repeat, repent, replan, replot, repone, retape, retene, rhagon, rhenea, rotang, taheen, tanger, tangle, tangor, tarpon, teagle, teener, telang, telega, teleph, tenore, teopan, tephra, teraph, tergal, ternal, terpen, thaler, thenal, thenar, therap, thoral, thorpe, thraep, thrang, threep, threne, threpe, throne, throng, thrope, toerag, tolane, tonger, topeng, tornal, trepan, tropal
5 Letter Words for Telegraphone
aeron, agene, agent, agete, aglee, aglet, agnel, agone, agree, agron, ahent, aholt, ahong, aleph, alert, algor, alhet, alone, along, alpen, alter, anele, angel, anger, angle, anglo, angor, anlet, anole, antre, apert, aport, apron, apter, areel, areng, arent, arete, argel, argle, argol, argon, argot, arnee, aroph, arpen, artel, atelo, athel, atlee, atole, atone, atren, eager, eagle, eagre, earth, eaten, eater, eathe, eeler, eeten, egret, elate, eloge, elong, elope, elpee, enage, enapt, enate, engle, enhat, ental, entea, enter, entre, ephor, eplot, epona, erato, erept, ergal, ergon, ergot, etage, etang, etape, ethal, ethel, ether, etrog, galee, galen, galet, galop, gaper, gareh, garle, garon, garth, gater, gator, geare, gelee, genae, genal, genep, genet, genoa, genre, genro, gerah, gerea, gerle, gerne, getah, ghole, glare, glean, gleen, gleet, glene, glent, gloat, gloea, glore, gnarl, golee, golet, golpe, gonal, goner, goral, goran, goter, gotha, gotra, grane, grano, grant, grape, graph, grate, great, green, greet, greta, grete, groan, groat, grone, gront, grope, grote, haler, halon, halte, hange, haole, harle, hatel, hater, heare, heart, hegel, helen, helot, henge, hepar, herne, heroe, heron, hogan, hogen, holer, honer, hoper, horal, horla, hotel, hoten, lagen, lager, lapon, laree, large, largo, laron, laten, later, lathe, laton, latro, leapt, leare, learn, leath, leear, leger, legoa, lenth, lento, leone, leper, lepra, lepre, lepta, lerot, lethe, loath, logan, lohan, loner, longa, longe, loper, loran, loren, lotah, lotan, nagel, naght, nagor, nathe, neath, neela, neele, neger, negro, nepal, neper, neral, nerol, neter, netop, nogal, nopal, noreg, norge, north, notal, noter, npeel, oaten, oater, oelet, ogler, ohare, olena, olent, onlap, ontal, opera, opter, orage, orale, orang, orant, orate, orgal, organ, orlet, other, paeon, pager, pagle, pagne, paleo, paler, palet, panel, panto, parel, paren, pareo, parge, pargo, parle, parol, parte, parto, patee, patel, paten, peage, peare, pearl, peart, peele, peert, pelon, pelta, penal, pengo, penta, perea, perle, perth, petal, petar, peter, petre, petro, phaet, phage, phane, phang, phano, phare, pharo, pheal, pheer, phene, pheon, phone, phren, plage, plane, plang, plano, plant, plate, plato, pleat, plena, pleon, ploat, plong, plote, pohna, polar, poler, ponga, poral, poret, porge, porta, porte, poter, prang, prate, preen, prela, prent, preta, proal, prole, prone, prong, prote, ragee, ralph, ranee, range, raphe, ratel, rathe, realo, reate, regal, regel, reget, regle, regna, rehoe, relap, relet, relot, renal, reneg, renet, renga, rente, repeg, repel, repen, repla, repot, retag, retal, retan, rethe, rheen, rhone, roate, rogan, rohan, rolag, ronte, rotal, rotan, rotge, tagel, taler, talon, tango, tapen, taper, targe, teene, tehee, telar, teleg, tenga, tenge, tenla, tenor, tepal, tepee, tepor, terap, terga, terna, terne, thane, theer, thegn, theol, theor, there, thole, thone, thong, thore, thorn, thorp, thrae, thrap, three, throe, toher, tolan, tolar, tonal, toner, tonga, topee, toper, tophe, toral, toran, trape, treen, trona, trone, trope
4 Letter Words for Telegraphone
aero, agee, agen, ager, aget, agon, alee, alen, alep, aloe, alop, alto, anet, ango, anre, ante, aper, areg, aren, aret, argh, argo, arle, arno, arte, atle, atop, eale, earl, earn, eath, egal, eger, egol, elan, elne, engl, engr, enol, ento, entr, eoan, eole, eorl, epee, epha, eral, erat, ergo, erne, erth, eten, ethe, etna, eton, gael, gaen, gaet, gale, galp, galt, gane, gant, gape, gapo, gare, garn, gart, gate, gath, geal, gean, gear, geat, geep, geer, geet, gena, gene, genl, gent, geol, gere, geta, ghat, ghee, glar, glee, glen, glop, glor, gnar, gnat, goal, goar, goat, goel, goen, goer, gola, gole, golp, gone, gora, gore, gorp, gote, goth, gran, grat, gree, gren, gret, grot, haen, hale, halo, halp, halt, hang, hant, hare, harl, harn, haro, harp, hart, hate, heal, heap, hear, heat, heel, heep, heer, hela, hele, helo, help, heng, hent, hept, hera, here, herl, hern, hero, herp, hert, hete, hoar, hoer, hoga, hola, hole, holp, holt, hone, hong, hont, hope, hora, hore, horn, hort, hote, htel, laen, laer, laet, lane, lang, lant, lare, larn, late, lath, lean, leap, lear, leat, leep, leer, leet, lege, lehr, lena, lene, leng, leno, lent, leon, lepa, lere, lerp, lete, leto, lgth, loan, loge, lone, long, lope, lora, lore, lorn, lota, lote, nael, nale, nape, nare, natl, nato, natr, neal, neap, near, neat, neep, neer, neet, nepa, nete, neth, noah, noel, nole, nolt, nope, nore, nota, note, oath, ogee, ogle, ogre, olea, olpe, oner, opah, opal, open, orae, oral, oran, orle, orna, orth, page, paho, pale, palt, pane, pang, pant, paon, pare, parl, part, pate, path, pato, peag, peal, pean, pear, peat, peel, peen, peer, pega, pegh, peho, pela, pele, pelt, pene, peng, pent, peon, pere, perh, pern, pert, peta, pete, peto, phar, phat, phon, phot, plan, plat, plea, plot, poet, poha, pole, polt, pone, pong, pont, pore, porn, port, pote, prag, prao, prat, pree, pret, proa, prog, pron, ptah, rage, rale, rane, rang, rant, rape, rapt, rate, rath, rato, real, rean, reap, reel, reen, reet, rego, regt, reno, rent, repl, repo, rept, rete, rgen, rhea, rheo, rhet, roan, role, rone, rong, ront, rope, rota, rote, rotl, tael, taen, tahr, tale, tane, tang, tanh, tape, tare, tarn, taro, tarp, teal, tean, teap, tear, teel, teen, teer, tega, tehr, tela, tele, tene, teng, tepa, tepe, tera, tern, terp, thae, than, thar, thea, thee, then, thon, thor, thro, toea, toga, toge, tola, tole, tone, tong, tope, toph, tore, torn, trag, trah, trap, tree, trna, trog, tron, trop
3 Letter Words for Telegraphone
aer, age, ago, agr, agt, aho, ale, alg, aln, alo, alp, alt, ane, ant, aor, ape, aph, apl, apr, apt, are, arg, arn, art, ate, atp, ean, ear, eat, eeg, eel, een, eer, ego, ela, elt, ene, eng, enl, eon, epa, era, ere, erg, ern, ert, eta, eth, gal, gan, gap, gar, gat, gee, gel, gen, geo, ger, get, glt, gnp, goa, gol, gon, gop, gor, got, gph, gra, gro, gte, hae, hag, han, hao, hap, hat, hee, hel, hen, heo, hep, her, het, hgt, hoa, hoe, hog, hol, hon, hop, hor, hot, lag, lah, lan, lao, lap, lar, lat, lea, lee, leg, leo, lep, ler, let, lnr, loa, loe, log, lop, lor, lot, lpn, ltr, nae, nag, nah, nap, nar, nat, nea, nee, neg, neo, nep, net, noa, nog, noh, nol, nor, not, nth, oar, oat, oer, ola, ole, olp, ona, one, ont, opa, ope, opt, ora, ore, org, orl, ort, pah, pal, pan, par, pat, pea, pee, peg, peh, pel, pen, per, pet, pho, phr, pht, poa, poh, pol, pon, por, pot, pre, prn, pro, pta, pte, ptg, rag, rah, ran, rap, rat, rea, ree, reg, reh, rel, rep, rha, rhe, rho, rle, rna, roe, rog, ron, rot, rpt, rte, tag, tal, tan, tao, tap, tar, tea, tee, teg, tel, ten, ter, tgn, tha, the, tho, tln, tlo, tlr, tng, toa, toe, tog, tol, ton, top, tor, tph, tra, trp
Definitions for Telegraphone
[1] an early magnetic sound-recording device for use with wire, tape, or disks.
Words nearby Telegraphone
telegraph, telegraph buoy, telegraph plant, telegraphese, telegraphic, telegraphone, telegraphy, telegu, telehealth, telekinesis, telemachus
Origin of Telegraphone
From the Danish word telegraphon, dating back to 1885–90. See tele-1, grapho-, -phone