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Showing words for TELEPATHIZE using the English dictionary
11 Letter Words for Telepathize
9 Letter Words for Telepathize
8 Letter Words for Telepathize
aphetize, athetize, hepatite, hepatize, pailette, petalite, phaelite, telepath, teletape
7 Letter Words for Telepathize
ailette, atheize, athlete, epilate, epitela, epithet, haplite, heeltap, heptite, leptite, lithate, palette, pathlet, peelite, peltate, petzite, pileate, tailzee, telpath, zaptieh
6 Letter Words for Telepathize
alette, apelet, aplite, ehlite, elaphe, ephete, ethize, halite, heezie, heptal, hpital, laithe, lathee, lathie, latite, leepit, lethee, paletz, pattee, pattle, pelite, peltae, petate, petite, pettah, pettle, pheeal, pheeze, phiale, pielet, pilate, platie, platte, tailet, talite, tapete, tapeti, taplet, teathe, teethe, teihte, teleph, tilpah, tiplet, tithal, zilpah
5 Letter Words for Telepathize
aizle, aleph, alhet, aliet, alite, athel, atilt, atlee, attle, eathe, elate, elite, elpee, etape, ethal, ethel, ettle, halte, hatel, hatte, hatti, hazel, hazle, heeze, heize, hiate, iztle, laeti, laith, lathe, lathi, latte, leapt, leath, leaze, lepta, lethe, lithe, palet, patee, patel, patte, peaze, peele, peize, pelta, petal, petit, petti, phaet, pheal, phial, pieta, pilea, pitta, plait, plate, pleat, tahil, tapet, tapit, tatie, teaze, teeth, tehee, telia, tepal, tepee, tetel, theat, theet, theia, theta, thete, tilth, tiple, tithe, title
4 Letter Words for Telepathize
aiel, aile, aith, alee, alep, atip, atle, atli, atte, eale, eath, eila, elhi, epee, epha, epil, epit, etat, ethe, hail, hait, hale, halp, halt, hate, hatt, haze, heal, heap, heat, heel, heep, heil, hela, hele, heli, help, hept, hete, hila, hile, hilt, hipe, hipt, htel, http, ieee, ilea, ilth, ital, itel, izle, laet, lait, late, lath, lati, laze, leap, leat, leep, leet, lepa, lete, lett, lipa, lipe, lite, lith, litz, liza, pahi, pail, pale, pali, palt, pate, path, patt, peai, peal, peat, peel, pela, pele, pelt, peta, pete, phat, phil, phit, phiz, pial, piet, pila, pile, pita, pith, pize, plat, plea, plia, plie, ptah, tael, tail, tait, tale, tali, tape, tate, tath, teal, teap, teat, teel, teet, teil, tela, tele, teli, telt, tepa, tepe, tete, teth, thae, thai, that, thea, thee, tile, tilt, tipe, tipt, tite, tiza, zati, zeal, zeta, zila, zite
3 Letter Words for Telepathize
ahi, ail, ait, ale, alp, alt, ape, aph, apl, apt, ate, atp, att, azt, eat, eel, ela, eli, elt, epa, epi, eta, eth, hae, hap, hat, hee, hei, hel, hep, het, hia, hie, hip, hit, ihp, ile, iph, ipl, ita, lah, lai, lap, lat, lea, lee, lei, lep, let, lez, lie, lip, lit, pah, pal, pat, pea, pee, peh, pel, pet, phi, pht, pia, pie, pil, pit, pli, pta, pte, ptt, tai, tal, tap, tat, tea, tee, tel, tet, tez, tha, the, tie, til, tip, tit, tph, tpi, zap, zat, zea, zee, zel, zep, zip, zit
Definitions for Telepathize
[1] to communicate with by telepathy.
[2] to practice or conduct telepathy.
[3] (intr) to practise telepathy
Words nearby Telepathize
teleopsia, teleorganic, teleost, telepath, telepathist, telepathize, telepathy, teleph., telephone, telephone answering machine, telephone bank
Origin of Telepathize
First recorded in 1890–95; telepath(y) + -ize