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Showing words for TENANTABLE using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Tenantable
8 Letter Words for Tenantable
7 Letter Words for Tenantable
6 Letter Words for Tenantable
5 Letter Words for Tenantable
4 Letter Words for Tenantable
3 Letter Words for Tenantable
Definitions for Tenantable
[1] a person or group that rents and occupies land, a house, an office, or the like, from another for a period of time; lessee.
[2] Law . a person who holds or possesses for a time lands, tenements, or personalty of another, usually for rent.
[3] an occupant or inhabitant of any place.
[4] to hold or occupy as a tenant; dwell in; inhabit.
[5] to dwell or live (usually followed by in ).
[6] a person who holds, occupies, or possesses land or property by any kind of right or title, esp from a landlord under a lease
[7] a person who has the use of a house, flat, etc, subject to the payment of rent
[8] any holder or occupant
[9] (tr) to hold (land or property) as a tenant
[10] (intr foll by in ) rare to dwell
Words related to Tenantable
tenantcozy, homey, habitable, tolerable, bearable, worthwhile, sustainable, comfortable, endurable, fit, passable, satisfactory, snug, supportable, inhabitable, sufferable
Words nearby Tenantable
tenanttenaille, tenaim, tenalgia, tenancy, tenancy in common, tenant, tenant farmer, tenant farming, tenant in chief, tenant in common, tenant-in-chief
Origin of Tenantable
1250–1300; Middle English tena(u)nt < Anglo-French; Middle French tenant, noun use of present participle of tenir to hold ≪ Latin tenēre. See -ant
Words that may be confused with Tenantable
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, tenanttenant, tenet
Other words from Tenantable
ten·ant·a·ble , adjective
ten·ant·less , adjective
ten·ant·like , adjective
non·ten·ant , noun
non·ten·ant·a·ble , adjective
un·ten·ant·a·ble , adjective
un·ten·ant·ed , adjective
Word origin for Tenantable
C14: from Old French, literally: (one who is) holding, from tenir to hold, from Latin tenēre
Synonyms for Tenantable
bearable, cozy, habitable, homey, sustainable, tolerable, worthwhile, comfortable, endurable, fit, inhabitable, lodgeable, passable, satisfactory, snug, sufferable, supportable