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Showing words for TENURED using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Tenured

denture, retuned, tenured, untreed

6 Letter Words for Tenured

denter, detenu, detune, deturn, dunter, durene, endure, neuter, rented, retund, retune, runted, runtee, tender, tendre, tenure, terned, tunder, tureen, turned

5 Letter Words for Tenured

denet, deter, detur, drent, drunt, duree, duret, ender, endue, enrut, enter, entre, erned, etude, neter, nuder, redue, rendu, renet, rente, reune, runed, teend, tendu, tenue, tereu, terne, treed, treen, trend, trued, tuned, tuner, undee, under, unred, urdee, urent, urned, utend

4 Letter Words for Tenured

deen, deer, deet, dene, dent, dere, dern, detn, dree, duer, duet, dune, dunt, durn, eden, ende, ened, entr, ered, erne, eten, eure, need, neer, neet, nerd, nete, neut, nude, nurd, rede, reed, reen, reet, rend, rent, retd, rete, rude, rued, ruen, rund, rune, runt, teed, teen, teer, tend, tene, tern, tree, true, trun, tund, tune, turd, turn, unde, urde

3 Letter Words for Tenured

dee, den, der, det, due, dun, dur, een, eer, end, ene, erd, ere, ern, ert, ned, nee, net, nur, nut, red, ree, rnd, rte, rud, rue, run, rut, tdr, ted, tee, ten, ter, tue, tun, tur, urd, ure, urn, ute

Definitions for Tenured

[1] of, having, or eligible for tenure, especially in a college or university: There are three tenured professors in the history department.
[2] granting, allowing, or leading to tenure: None of the advertised jobs is a tenured position.
[3] the holding or possessing of anything: the tenure of an office.
[4] the holding of property, especially real property, of a superior in return for services to be rendered.
[5] the period or term of holding something.
[6] status granted to an employee, usually after a probationary period, indicating that the position or employment is permanent.
[7] to give tenure to: After she served three years on probation, the committee tenured her.
[8] mainly US and Canadian having tenure of office a tenured professor guaranteeing tenure of office a tenured post
[9] the possession or holding of an office or position
[10] the length of time an office, position, etc, lasts; term
[11] mainly US and Canadian the improved security status of a person after having been in the employ of the same company or institution for a specified period
[12] the right to permanent employment until retirement, esp for teachers, lecturers, etc
[13] property law the holding or occupying of property, esp realty, in return for services rendered, etc the duration of such holding or occupation

Words nearby Tenured

tenuis, tenuity, tenuous, tenure, tenure-track, tenured, tenuto, tenzing, tenzing norgay, teocalli, teosinte

Origin of Tenured

1250–1300; Middle English < Anglo-French; Old French teneure < Vulgar Latin *tenitura, equivalent to *tenit(us ) held (for Latin tentus, past participle of tenēre ) + -ura -ure

Words that may be confused with Tenured

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, tenuretender, tenor, tenure

Other words from Tenured

ten·u·ri·al [ten-yoo  r -ee-uh  l] /tɛnˈyʊər i əl/ , adjective
ten·u·ri·al·ly , adverb
non·ten·u·ri·al , adjective
non·ten·u·ri·al·ly , adverb
un·der·ten·ure , noun

Word origin for Tenured

C15: from Old French, from Medieval Latin tenitūra, ultimately from Latin tenēre to hold