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Showing words for TERRITORY using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Territory
7 Letter Words for Territory
6 Letter Words for Territory
5 Letter Words for Territory
4 Letter Words for Territory
3 Letter Words for Territory
Definitions for Territory
[1] any tract of land; region or district.
[2] the land and waters belonging to or under the jurisdiction of a state, sovereign, etc.
[3] any separate tract of land belonging to a state.
[4] (often initial capital letter ) Government . a region or district of the U.S. not admitted to the Union as a state but having its own legislature, with a governor and other officers appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. some similar district elsewhere, as in Canada and Australia.
[5] a field or sphere of action, thought, etc.; domain or province of something.
[6] the region or district assigned to a representative, agent, or the like, as for making sales.
[7] the area that an animal defends against intruders, especially of the same species.
[8] any tract of land; district
[9] the geographical domain under the jurisdiction of a political unit, esp of a sovereign state
[10] the district for which an agent, etc, is responsible a salesman's territory
[11] an area inhabited and defended by an individual animal or a breeding group of animals
[12] an area of knowledge science isn't my territory
[13] (in football, hockey, etc) the area defended by a team
[14] (often capital) a region of a country, esp of a federal state, that enjoys less autonomy and a lower status than most constituent parts of the state
[15] (often capital) a protectorate or other dependency of a country
[16] the Territory Australian See Northern Territory
Words related to Territory
province, sector, land, neighborhood, district, zone, area, country, terrain, colony, nation, field, state, street, enclave, commonwealth, empire, section, mandate, expanse
Words nearby Territory
territorial waters, territorialism, territoriality, territorialize, territorian, territory, territory wool, terroir, terror, terror-stricken, terrorism
Origin of Territory
1400–50; late Middle English < Latin territōrium land round a town, district, equivalent to terr(a ) land + -i- -i- + -tōrium -tory2
Other words from Territory
sub·ter·ri·to·ry , noun, plural sub·ter·ri·to·ries.
Word origin for Territory
C15: from Latin territōrium land surrounding a town, from terra land
Synonyms for Territory
area, colony, country, district, enclave, field, land, nation, neighborhood, province, sector, state, street, terrain, zone, belt, block, boundary, commonwealth, dominion, empire, expanse, extent, mandate, quarter, section, sphere, township, tract, turf, walk, exclave, neck of the woods, stomping grounds, terrene