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Showing words for THERMAL using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Thermal


6 Letter Words for Thermal

armlet, arthel, halter, hamelt, hamlet, harlem, harmel, lather, malter, marlet, martel, mather, mehtar, termal, thaler, tramel

5 Letter Words for Thermal

alert, alhet, almeh, alter, amlet, armet, artel, athel, earth, ethal, haler, halte, hamel, harem, harle, hatel, hater, heart, hemal, herma, lamer, later, lathe, leath, marle, mater, mathe, meath, metal, metra, ramet, ratel, rathe, realm, retal, rhema, taler, tamer, telar, terma, tharm, thema, therm, thrae, thram, trame

4 Letter Words for Thermal

ahem, alem, alme, amel, aret, arle, arte, atle, earl, eath, eral, erat, erth, hale, halm, halt, hame, hare, harl, harm, hart, hate, heal, hear, heat, hela, helm, heml, hera, herl, herm, hert, htel, html, laer, laet, lame, lare, late, lath, leam, lear, leat, lehr, male, malt, mare, marl, mart, mate, math, meal, mear, meat, mela, melt, merl, meta, meth, rale, rame, rate, rath, real, ream, rhea, rhet, tael, tahr, tale, tame, tare, teal, team, tear, tehr, tela, tera, term, thae, thar, thea, them, trah, tram

3 Letter Words for Thermal

aer, ale, alt, ame, amt, are, arm, art, ate, atm, eam, ear, eat, ela, elm, elt, era, ert, eta, eth, hae, ham, hat, hel, hem, her, het, lah, lam, lar, lat, lea, lem, ler, let, ltm, ltr, mae, mal, mar, mat, mea, meh, mel, mer, met, rah, ram, rat, rea, reh, rel, rem, rha, rhe, rle, rte, tal, tam, tar, tea, tel, tem, ter, tha, the, thm, tlr, tmh, tra, trm

Definitions for Thermal

[1] Also thermic. of, relating to, or caused by heat or temperature: thermal capacity.
[2] of, relating to, or of the nature of thermae: thermal waters.
[3] designed to aid in or promote the retention of body heat: a thermal blanket.
[4] Meteorology . a rising air current caused by heating from the underlying surface, especially such a current when not producing a cloud.
[5] thermals. thermal underwear.
[6] Also: thermic (ˈθɜːmɪk ) of, relating to, caused by, or generating heat or increased temperature
[7] hot or warm thermal baths ; thermal spring
[8] (of garments or fabrics) specially designed so as to have exceptional heat-retaining properties
[9] meteorol a column of rising air caused by local unequal heating of the land surface, and used by gliders and birds to gain height
[10] (plural) thermal garments, esp underclothes

Words related to Thermal

melting, snug, roasting, thermic, heated, hot, lukewarm, scorching, summery, sweltering, sizzling, toasty

Words nearby Thermal

therm., therma, thermacogenesis, thermae, thermaesthesia, thermal, thermal analysis, thermal anesthesia, thermal barrier, thermal capacity, thermal conductance

Origin of Thermal

First recorded in 1750–60; therm- + -al1

Other words from Thermal

ther·mal·ly , adverb
hy·per·ther·mal , adjective
hy·per·ther·mal·ly , adverb
non·ther·mal , adjective
non·ther·mal·ly , adverb

Synonyms for Thermal

melting, roasting, snug, thermic, heated, hot, lukewarm, scorching, sizzling, summery, sweltering, toasty